Telediastolic Volume

Telediastotic volume is the volume of the heart cavity during the period of active relaxation of the myocardium (diastole), that is, during complete relaxation. This condition occurs after the period of systole and precedes the contraction of the ventricular muscles.

How to measure telediastolic volume? During the procedure, the doctor asks the patient to take a deep breath and hold his breath. After which the doctor determines the time during which the heart contracts and throws blood into the aorta. The volume of blood in the arteries is then measured by passing it through a tube. In addition, laboratory methods for determining telediastotic volume are used.

How is telediastolic volume measured? The norm for this indicator is a value from 70 to 90 milliliters. These indicators may fluctuate for a number of reasons, such as: the age of the patient; weight; floor; the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. A high value of telediastatic volume in medicine may indicate the presence of heart failure, since the heart does not have time to relax due to the high rate of rhythm. This disease is also indicated by other indicators, for example, high average diastolic pressure and increased heart rate. When analyzing these indicators, the doctor identifies characteristic symptoms and makes a diagnosis. Treatment of this disease consists of lowering blood pressure, most often with the help of diuretics, as well as improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, increasing their elasticity. If the teledistant volume is less than normal, this may be a sign of high blood pressure or a general abnormal heart rhythm. This group also includes acute symptoms of treatment failure, therapy for which involves the prescription of cardiac drugs to stimulate cardiac activity.