
Temperament: A Study of Inner Harmony

In its broadest sense, temperament is a set of individual traits that determine our emotional and behavioral response to the world around us. It is one of the key factors influencing the formation of our personality and interaction with other people.

Historically, the term "temperament" was associated with ancient medicine and philosophy, where it was used to describe the balance of the four main juices in the human body: blood, phlegm, bile and black bile. Each juice corresponded to a certain type of temperament - sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic, respectively. These temperament types have been associated with certain physical and psychological characteristics.

Modern research on temperament has significantly expanded its concept and approaches to study. Today, temperament is defined as a stable and enduring characteristic of an individual, determined by his genetic heritage and interaction with the environment. It includes aspects such as reactivity to various stimuli, activity level, emotionality and mood.

Research shows that temperament is an important factor in shaping personality and can influence various aspects of our lives. For example, some people have higher levels of attention and activity, which makes them more likely to actively seek out new experiences and take risks. Other people may have higher levels of emotional sensitivity, making them more susceptible to stress and anxiety.

Temperament also affects our ability to adapt and interact with others. For example, extroverts tend to be more open and sociable, while introverts prefer quieter, more private situations. This difference in temperament can create certain challenges and advantages in communication and social interactions.

It is important to note that temperament is not a static and non-determining factor. It interacts with our experiences, learning and external circumstances to shape our personality and behavior. Additionally, temperament can be modified and developed even by adults through self-awareness, self-control, and the practice of new skills.

The study of temperament is of significant importance in psychology and psychiatry because it allows us to better understand differences in individual reactions and behavior of people. This knowledge can be useful for developing individualized approaches in psychotherapy, education, work and other areas where interpersonal interaction plays an important role.

However, it is important to remember that temperament is not the only factor that determines our personality and behavior. It interacts with other aspects such as culture, environment, gender differences and personal experiences. Each person is unique and has their own combination of temperamental traits.

As a result, temperament plays an important role in shaping our personality and interaction with the world around us. Understanding our own temperament and the temperament of others helps us better meet our needs, communicate effectively, and build harmonious relationships. This knowledge can be a valuable resource for personal growth and development, as well as for creating a supportive and understanding environment in society.

Temperament: main characteristics and types

Temperament is a term that describes the characteristics of a person’s behavior in everyday life, as well as his relationship to the world around him. It reflects the individual abilities of each person and his preferences. In this article we will look at the main characteristics of temperament and its types.

What are the different temperaments in psychology?

Various authors have proposed their own approaches to the classification of temperaments. In domestic science, a scheme has been proposed that distinguishes four types:


sanguine; phlegmatic;

melancholic. Choleric - Those with a choleric temperament are highly active, emotional, sociable, often change their mood, and are prone to changes in emotions. They often enter into conflicts, can speak quickly, and almost always remain optimistic. Choleric people have a hard time with monotonous tasks and often show impatience. - As a rule, people with such a temperament must constantly be engaged in some kind of activity, since they do not have the inclination for long routine work. Cholerics will feel comfortable only when they are given the opportunity to do difficult work and show all their abilities. Therefore, choleric people love all kinds of competitions and perform very successfully in them. Sanguine People with a sanguine temperament are energetic, show optimism, inner freedom, bright emotions, good performance, and good communication skills. Sanguine people easily switch from one topic to another. They even love adventures and unusual adventures. When working, they can sometimes be superficial and careless. With all this, a sanguine person has good adaptability, the ability to control his emotions and balance. People of this temperament do not have any black spots along the path of life; they know how to enjoy small joys and perceive everything that happens with a positive attitude. It is important for Sanguinists to be valued as individuals. And here all their positive qualities are manifested. These are people-leaders who know how to inspire, motivate and improve the business environment. However, among sanguine people there are many lazy people who simply cannot find the willpower to take on something. If they show persistence, they can become real professionals in any field. Good qualities: