Tenon S Capsule

Tenon's capsule, also known as Tenon S capsule, is a connective tissue sheath that envelops the eyeball and connects it to the sclera. It plays an important role in maintaining the shape and stability of the eye and protecting it from damage and infection.

Tenon's capsule consists of loose connective tissue that contains collagen, elastin and other proteins. It surrounds the eyeball along its entire length, starting from the cornea and ending with the sclera. Inside the capsule is the vitreous humor, a gel-like substance that fills the space between the lens and the retina.

One of the functions of Tenon's capsule is to protect the eyeball from damage. It keeps the eye from moving and provides stability, which is especially important for people who play sports or work with heavy equipment. In addition, Tenon's capsule plays an important role in maintaining the shape of the eye, preventing its deformation and the development of cataracts.

However, if Tenon's capsule is damaged or inflamed, it can lead to various vision problems such as decreased visual acuity, double vision, etc. In such cases, surgery may be required to restore the integrity of the capsule.

Overall, Tenon's capsule plays a key role in protecting the eye and maintaining its health. Its damage or inflammation can lead to serious vision problems. Therefore, it is important to monitor her condition and, if necessary, consult a doctor for treatment.

Tenon's capsule is a connective tissue sheath that envelops the eyeball and connects it to the sclera. It consists of loose connective tissue that provides protection and stability to the eyeball.

Tenon's capsule plays an important role in maintaining the shape of the eyeball, as well as protecting it from damage. It is also involved in the formation of the iris and the formation of the pupil.

However, in some people, Tenon's capsule may be too thin or absent entirely. This can lead to various eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and others.

Various methods are used to treat these diseases, such as laser surgery, drug therapy, etc. However, the most effective method is to strengthen Tenon's capsule using special injections.

In conclusion, Tenon's capsule is an important element of the eye and its disruption can lead to serious diseases. Therefore, it is important to monitor its condition and, if necessary, take measures to strengthen it.

What is the purpose of the capsule? They are the attachment site for the muscles injected into the sclera after surgery and protect these muscles. It is no secret that the result will depend on the correct fixation of the pupils in the postoperative period. If the muscles are well fixed and adjacent to the sclera, then the eyeballs will be held in place. Tenon's capsules can be embedded using special implants into the facial skin or a retaining ring. In the second case, silicone implants are recommended due to their ability to curl around the eyeball and provide a tight seal. Such implants should be placed under the skin, located above the talc bonds