
Heat-melting machines are a type of machine that interweaves textures based on the principle of compression and stretching per unit time for any technological, physical state of the material being fed.

The decisive factor in assessing the effectiveness of technological preparation is knowledge of the design and operation of the machine. In particular, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the machine’s operating mode and its main technological cycle. And it is determined by the characteristics of the production process - its nature, volume. This determines the purpose of the machines - the object (material) of preparation, the technical result that should be obtained. Important components of the machine structure are load-bearing elements, performance control mechanisms, and working parts. The choice of the type of organ that performs the main part of the entire processing cycle is also important. The key factor here is to ensure that the material moves as accurately as possible. The guide system of the machine must match each other. In practice, the same elements can be used as reference and calculation functions. Usually this is the middle of the three supporting elements