Tensiometer, Strain Gauge

A tensiometer, or strain gauge (Strain Gauge) is a highly sensitive device designed to accurately measure mechanical stresses and deformations of various objects.

The principle of operation of a tensiometer is based on a change in the electrical resistance of a conductor when it is deformed. The tensiometer's sensing element is a thin strip or grid of metal or semiconductor that is glued or otherwise secured to the object being tested. When an object is deformed, the sensitive element of the strain gauge is also deformed, which leads to a change in its electrical resistance. This change is recorded by a special measuring circuit and serves as a measure of deformation.

Tensiometers are widely used in mechanical engineering, aircraft manufacturing, construction, medicine and other fields for measuring mechanical stress in structures, machine parts, buildings, as well as for recording physiological processes in living organisms. In particular, in medical equipment, strain gauges are used to measure blood pressure, record respiratory movements and other physiological parameters.

Tensiometers are highly sensitive instruments that are used to measure stress and pressure fluctuations in various fields of science and technology. They are widely used in medicine and other fields where it is necessary to control pressure or tension.

Tensiometers can have different types of sensors, including strain gauges, piezoelectric sensors, and others. Strain gauges are thin strips of metal that deform when a load is applied. When the load is removed, the strips return to their original state and generate an electrical signal, which is measured by a tensiometer.

Tensiometric sensors are also widely used in medical technology, for example, to measure blood pressure in patients. They are used in tonometers and other devices that allow you to monitor blood pressure and timely diagnose diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, tensiometers find application in other fields of science and industry, such as aerospace engineering, automotive industry, construction, etc. In these areas, tensiometers are used to monitor stress in structures and materials, and to measure strain and displacement.

In general, tensiometers are important tools for measuring stress and pressure in various applications. Due to their high sensitivity and accuracy, they are widely used in many fields of science and technology.