
Teonicol is a drug from a group of drugs classified as antispasmodic drugs. Teonicol has the same international name as Xanthine nicotinate. At its core, Teonicol contains vitamin B3, which enhances blood circulation.

The main indications for use are the treatment of conditions such as:

- cerebrovascular syndrome - vascular insufficiency - cerebrovascular accident of hemodynamic type - obliterating diseases of the vessels of the extremities - Bürchel's disease - Raynaud's and Endartereo's diseases - endarteriosis - thrombophlebitis - post-inflammatory lymphostasis - coronary heart disease - hyperlipidemia - metabolic syndrome - pregnancy - lactation period - hypotension - autonomic dysfunctions - migraine - adenoiditis - peripheral vascular pathologies - vascular dystrophies of various origins

As can be seen from the lists of indications for the use of Teonikl, there are a lot of indications, and the practice of its prescription is high. The reason for this is the fairly high evidence base for the drug. Contraindications for using the drug include:

1) individual intolerance to the substances included in the composition of the drug 2) age up to 3 years 3) severe heart failure 4) acute bleeding 5) acute infarction 6) duodenal or gastric ulcer in the acute phases of manifestation 7) lactation period 8) pregnancy 9) arterial hypotension