Ter-Egiazarova Method

**Ter-Egiazarov** Mairbek Georgievich (Mairbeg Khanmagomed-ogly; born June 23, 1946, the village of Unchukatl, Buinaksky district of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), Russian biologist. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor.

Date of birth: 06.23.1948

**Education** Born in the village. Unchu-Katal, Buinaksky district of the Dag ASSR, spent his childhood in Astrakhan. In 1965, he graduated from high school in Astrakhan and entered first the Astrakhan Institute of Physical Culture, and then the Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (department of biochemistry). From 1971 to 1989 - teacher at the Department of Fish Morphology of the USSR at the Astrakhan Institute of Fisheries in the Mechanical Department, where he received his higher education. At the same time, he worked as a research laboratory assistant at the departments of biology of the Astrakhan State Pedagogical Institute and the Astrakhan region in the fish processing industry association “Rybgeoresursy”. From 12/05/1991 to March 1993 - Deputy Director of the Technostar Fishproducts company.

In the early 1950s, together with his uncle M.M. Magometov, he worked at the Botanical Garden of the Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (from 201