Hydration-Dehydration Therapy


Detoxification therapy is an effective method of combating intoxication in the body. It is based on the removal of toxic substances from the body using special drugs and procedures. In this article, we will look at hydration dehydration therapy, which is used to cleanse the body of toxins.

As we all know, health is one of the most important aspects of life. There are often difficulties along our path, especially in the modern world, and we must be prepared to cope with them not only with medications, but also with the right therapy. One such treatment is hydration-dehydration therapy, or simply THD.

TGD is a treatment approach that involves introducing large amounts of fluid into the body through injection or orally, and increasing the removal of fluid and electrolytes from the body through forced diuresis. This is an effective way to combat intoxication, dehydration and other health problems. Additionally, this approach may improve overall health and reduce symptoms.

Without generally welcoming the use of physical methods in treatment, it is necessary to consider any treatment, including TGD, as a necessary measure with the help of which the patient will achieve recovery or at least long-term remission of the disease. Unfortunately, if hygiene recommendations are followed, serious complications are possible. Therefore, all procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.