Therapy Oxygen Inhalation

Oxygen inhalation therapy (OIT) is a treatment method used to improve breathing and oxygenation of the blood in patients with respiratory diseases. CIT involves introducing oxygen into the patient's lungs through the airways using a special device.

What is the essence of therapy? In the machine, oxygen is mixed with air, which is then supplied through a mask or tube into the patient's lungs. During the procedure, the patient breathes through a mask, and oxygen is supplied through a machine. Thus, the patient receives more oxygen than usual, which improves his breathing and blood circulation.

CIT can be used in patients with various lung diseases such as asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), pneumonia and others. It may also be useful for patients who suffer from respiratory failure or have trouble breathing after surgery.

Oxygen inhalation therapy can be carried out both in the hospital and at home. In the hospital, patients are under the supervision of doctors and nurses who monitor the treatment process. At home, patients can carry out the procedure independently under the supervision of a doctor or nurse.

The benefits of oxygen inhalation therapy include improved breathing, reduced symptoms of lung disease, and a reduced risk of complications. However, like any medical procedure, CIT has its own risks and contraindications, so before starting treatment you should consult your doctor.

So, oxygen inhalation therapy is an effective method of treating respiratory diseases, which improves breathing and blood oxygenation. It can be performed either in a hospital or at home, and requires supervision by a doctor or nurse during the procedure.

Oxygen inhalation therapy

**Oxygen-**inhalation** therapy includes the use of breathing apparatus that provides oxygen to the body through the natural respiratory tract. This is the most physiological and effective way to prevent and treat hypoxia of various origins and its consequences.

Inhalation of oxygen-enriched air has a beneficial effect on the course of acute and chronic processes of obstruction and inflammation of the respiratory tract by normalizing the temperature of the bronchial mucosa, reducing hypoxemia and increasing the body's resistance to hypercapnia

Inhalation oxygen therapy can be classified as a physical treatment method based on the use of oxygen, which is not an independent substance. Oxygen plays a special role in the body and is essential for maintaining the healthy state of all systems and organs. Impaired respiratory function due to hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) can lead to a number of serious consequences, including a sharp drop in blood pressure, shortness of breath,