
Teratozoospermia: causes, diagnosis and treatment.

Teratozoospermia is a medical condition in which the number and shape of sperm in a man's semen is abnormal. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the normal sperm count in semen is at least 15 million per milliliter, and the normal sperm count should be at least 4%.

Teratozoospermia is often the cause of male infertility. Its causes may be genetic disorders, infections and other factors. Also, teratozoospermia can occur due to prolonged exposure to harmful factors on the body, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, and radiation.

To diagnose teratozoospermia, laboratory tests of sperm are performed. Usually this is a spermogram, which allows you to determine the quantity and quality of sperm. If teratozoospermia is detected, the man must undergo additional examinations aimed at identifying the cause of this condition.

Treatment for teratozoospermia depends on its causes. If the cause of teratozoospermia is an infectious disease, then the man is prescribed appropriate antibiotics. If the cause is genetic disorders, then the man may be prescribed special medications aimed at improving sperm quality.

In some cases where teratozoospermia is the underlying cause of infertility, a man is advised to use artificial insemination methods, such as injecting sperm directly into the egg or using assisted reproduction.

Thus, teratozoospermia is a serious condition that can lead to male infertility. If this condition is detected, the man must undergo examination and receive appropriate treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment of teratozoospermia can help a man solve the problem of infertility and become a father.

Teratozoospermia is a condition in which a man's ejaculate contains a large number of abnormal sperm. These abnormalities may be due to genetic disorders, abnormal development or abnormal functioning of the sperm.

Teratozoospermia can be divided into several types:

  1. Oligozoospermia (insufficient number of sperm in the ejaculate) is the most common type of teratozoospermia. In this type, the number of normal sperm may be sufficient for conception, but may not be enough to achieve pregnancy.

  2. Asthenozoospermia (low sperm quality) - This type of teratozoospermia is due to the fact that sperm have low motility and are unable to reach the egg.

  3. Teratozoospermia with abnormal number of abnormal sperm - this type is characterized by the fact that the ejaculate contains a large number of sperm with various abnormalities, such as the absence of a head, abnormal position of the head or tail, etc.

  4. Teratozoospermia with high abnormal sperm count is a type of teratozoospermia in which the number of normal sperm is low but the number of abnormal sperm is very high.

Diagnosing teratozoospermia can be difficult as symptoms may be minimal or absent. However, if a man has problems conceiving or infertility, the doctor may order tests to determine teratozoospermia and its type.

Treatment for teratozoospermia depends on the type and may include lifestyle changes, such as stopping smoking and drinking alcohol, and using medications. Surgery may also be recommended to improve sperm quality or quantity.