
Terminology is a science that studies and systematizes terms and concepts used in various fields of knowledge. Terminology plays an important role in scientific communication, as it allows you to clearly identify objects, phenomena and processes.

The terminology associated with teriology is the study of animals and their classification. In theriology, various methods are used to classify animals, such as morphological, genetic, environmental and others.

One of the most important methods of classifying animals is the morphological method. It is based on the study of external characteristics of animals, such as body shape, coloring, size, etc. This method allows the creation of classification systems that can be used to describe and compare different animal species.

The genetic method is also used in theriology. It relies on the analysis of genetic data, such as DNA sequences, to determine the relationships between different animal species. This allows us to establish evolutionary relationships between species and understand how they developed.

The ecological method also plays an important role in theriology. It is based on the study of the interaction of animals with the environment, as well as on the analysis of their behavior and adaptation to various conditions. The ecological method allows us to understand how animals adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Overall, theriology is an important science that helps us better understand animals and their role in ecosystems. She uses various methods of classification and analysis to create a more complete picture of the animal kingdom.

Theriology is a science that studies mammals as a group of vertebrates. Animals of this group are warm-blooded and have hair, this unites them. Mammals are among the higher land mammals that appeared about 70 million years ago. Mitochondria also existed. There are at least 59,864 species of mammals. This family occupies an important place in the zooworld.

The field of study of theriology is quite extensive. So, animals have different functions. For example, they can eat both grass and berries. They feed their offspring with milk. Most of the family are excellent hunters, such as predators. At the same time, they are excellent swimmers and can move quickly over long distances. Before moving, they are very well versed in the area. Some animals can climb trees. Of particular interest are otters and beavers.

By studying these animals we can learn many interesting facts about life. For example, some organs are important for waterfowl, which is why they have a high percentage of body fat. The meat of such animals itself is useful for humans because it contains a large amount of proteins. About 60 species inhabiting land can fly. Muscles are responsible for movement. They are characterized by many different types of heart, distinguish blood flow, vascular network. The structure of the muscular system and respiratory organs is different. Marine mammals have their own characteristics, but their body temperature is very low. The diet is characterized by the presence of crustaceans and fish. This is reflected in the appearance of such endangered animals as kelp.