Thermal water reviews from cosmetologists

The first one I tried was Vichy. It was summer. Then Aven. In winter, I noticed that it moisturizes quite well. Aven seemed better to me than Vichy, and cheaper. What other thermal bath moisturizes better than Avene? What can you say about La Roche? experts

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Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Take the one that is wetter, you can't go wrong


I don’t understand how one water can moisturize more than another water?? The author has never heard dumber nonsense.

I really like La Roche Posée, I’ve been buying it for three years now. In order for thermal water to moisturize well, you need to blot it with a napkin or towel (but do not wipe it).

Thermal water does not moisturize at all, but rather soothes the skin. ANY WATER DRYS THE SKIN. Well, theoretically it supplies some microelements, although it’s already hard to believe.

I liked La Roche, more than the same Vichy. But, I repeat, we are not talking about any hydration here.

doesn't work*
In addition, many thermal waters contain salts, which again dries out the skin.

Related topics

Water is drying if left on the face. The right thing to do is to blot your face with a napkin after applying water.

7, this makes sense if you wash your face with thermal water, which is usually only possible at spa resorts. If you simply splash water on your face and then blot it, there is no effect.

7, this makes sense if you wash your face with thermal water, which is usually only possible at spa resorts. If you simply splash water on your face and then blot it, there is no effect.

9, yeah. blot with a napkin if the skin is dry, BUT after a while, so that the water is absorbed/evaporated a little and has an effect. During this time, the skin dries a little anyway. Oily skin does not get wet at all.

I don’t understand how one water can moisturize more than another water?? The author has never heard dumber nonsense.

Thermal water does not moisturize at all, but rather soothes the skin. ANY WATER DRYS THE SKIN. Well, theoretically it supplies some microelements, although it’s already hard to believe.

I don’t understand why exactly to blot, but I read that it is necessary, and in the attached booklet the pictures show spraying some water followed by blotting with a napkin after a minute or two.

Uriage is the only water that does not need to be blotted. And you need to blot the thermal water because, as it evaporates, it draws out moisture, and if you get wet, it has the opposite effect of moisturizing.

I don’t understand how one water can moisturize more than another water?? The author has never heard dumber nonsense.

Thermal water does not moisturize at all, but rather soothes the skin. ANY WATER DRYS THE SKIN. Well, theoretically it supplies some microelements, although it’s already hard to believe.
If I dried it, I wouldn't use it at all. To calm down - nothing calms me down. And I use a thermal bath instead of cream, because right now I have to apply Zenerit to my face, I simply don’t have time to smear myself with cream. And in general, apart from this winter, I’ve never had any problems with dry skin, but right now, after the frosty street, my skin doesn’t look like itself =)) And the thermal bath really makes it better

Young, but not fat. Normal or possibly combined. The T-zone is perhaps a little oily, but in winter it’s not noticeable; it shines only in summer. I have nothing to soothe, except pimples and blackheads, and thermal water is not effective for them. My skin is not prone to redness. I use Zenerit until OK doesn’t take effect, because acne is caused by hormonal imbalance, but before the OK starts to take effect I don’t want to walk around like Frankenstein =)))

17, you are wrong. Thermal water just soothes any redness and inflammation, incl. and pimples, although their cause, of course, does not cure.

I use La Roche. Like. Haven't tried others. But now I’m interested in Uryazh water. Why doesn't it need to be blotted?


Regarding moisturizing: I read about methods of moisturizing, including a thermal bath as an analogue of a cream. I didn’t read subjective statements on the forum, but on the norm website. There is no point in looking for a link, just enter something like “thermal water moisturizes” in Yandex. The laws of physics have nothing to do with it =)
19, they say that if you blot it, it just moisturizes. In any case, in thermal baths it is indicated in the instructions that after 1-2 minutes you need to get wet

Is it worth using it at all? Previously, there were no “thermal heaters” and no one knew what they were. And now there’s all sorts of lotions and tonics and all sorts of other chemicals. Your eyes widen in the store, you don’t know what else you haven’t smeared on your beautiful face. I’ve already tried everything, but I’ve spent so much money. But the result leaves much to be desired. The skin was still problematic. My friend has never used anything other than soap since birth, so she has nothing to complain about at all. Here.

It seems to me that in comparison with other chemistry, thermal water is just flowers

Recommendations for use
Spray Thermal Water on your face or body and leave for 2-3 minutes to absorb. Carefully remove any remaining water by blotting with a napkin.

Winter, what suits your friend does not mean it suits everyone. My grandmother, too, has only used soap all her life, but from birth her skin is the envy of everyone - dense, matte, not a pimple, not a hair, tans beautifully. But not everyone is so lucky, this does not mean that you have to wash your face with soap and not pamper your face with anything.

I don’t understand how one water can moisturize more than another water?? The author has never heard dumber nonsense.

I also use a thermal bath all the time. In the morning, immediately after washing and as a finishing touch to makeup. It happens during the day too. I tried La Roche. In principle, I liked it. And a small bottle lasted for 3 months. And what’s most surprising is that less than a month ago I bought Uryazh (of the same volume), and today I already threw away the empty bottle. It seems to me that due to the high salt content, this thermal bath dried out my face a little. Although, I always blotted it. It's really very salty. Now I am looking for new water. The main requirement is moisturizing (at least not “drying”) and softening.. I don’t know if such things exist in nature.

I don’t understand how one water can moisturize more than another water?? The author has never heard dumber nonsense.

Many people use thermal water to moisturize their skin. They douse themselves with it on the plane, on the beach, at work. But not everyone knows that if thermal water is applied to the face and left to dry, then instead of moisturizing, it results in dehydration. Despite the fact that thermal water contains salts that make it hygroscopic, it
it still evaporates, and with it the moisture from the surface of our skin evaporates. On the beach, irrigating your face with thermal water is generally dangerous - you can easily increase the penetration of ultraviolet radiation into the skin.
The correct way to use thermal water is as follows: apply it to clean skin, massage slightly until completely absorbed and apply cream on top. Then it will have an additional moisturizing effect.
The second option is to apply after using the cream, lightly massage into the skin and then apply makeup. Then he will hold on better.

I like Avene and Librederm waters, but I was allergic to Vichy

Laura (Evalar) bought this thermal water by accident while packing her bag for the maternity hospital. So I started using it. I use it daily after washing my face in the morning and evening. Very comfortably! I started to forget about the cream because I don’t feel the need for it. The skin is very well moisturized, looks vibrant and natural.

The heater is constantly running in the office, because of this my facial skin simply suffers. Although I use very moisturizing creams in the morning and evening, I am sorely lacking in this. That's why I started looking for some kind of moisturizing aid. I heard a lot about thermal water, so I began to choose it so that everything would be good in terms of price and composition. So Laura chose Evalar water. What seduced me most was the price) Several times a day, when I felt tightness, I sprayed some water, the dispenser is convenient, right on top of my makeup. The makeup didn’t run and nothing crept up. I can say for sure that this water is simply a salvation for me! The skin instantly becomes comfortable and cozy)) The feeling of dryness goes away immediately. Moreover, after a week of use, even my complexion somehow became fresher. Therefore, I am very pleased with the thermal water.

Girls, hello! I discovered wonderful thermal water! I read a bunch of reviews, even those where they write that it is generally useless to splash thermal water on your face. But I bought it anyway and never regretted it. As I found out, there are three types of thermal water. Laura thermal water is isotonic. This is what cosmetologists recommend for sensitive skin. I spray it on my face 4 times during the day. I blot it a little with a napkin. It is very convenient that you can apply it on top of makeup. Within a few days of use I noticed changes. The skin has become softer. In the evening, after removing makeup, it does not tighten like before. And, unlike creams, it does not clog pores. I'm happy as a clam, I bought it as a gift for a friend.

The room at work is very dry, I don’t even know why, but when the heat is on or when the air conditioning is on, my skin becomes terribly dry, I even stopped using foundation, because by the evening it looks very bad. To somehow refresh my skin during the day, I bought Laura thermal water, and I’m delighted. I used to think that thermal water was just ordinary, meaningless water. But it really works) Three times a day I spray it on my face a couple of times on top of makeup, and the skin comes to life)) The cosmetics are in place))) I’ve been using it every day for almost a month, I really like the result. The skin immediately feels fresh, dryness no longer haunts me, I have returned powder and foundation to my cosmetic arsenal))


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Everyone knows about the benefits of mineral water for our body. And, probably, there is not a single person who has never tried to quench their thirst with this miraculous liquid. And if you remember how many tourists a year visit mineral springs in different parts of the world in order to cure any diseases or simply improve their health, then truly such water can be considered a real healing gift of nature. Now imagine that there is a similar miraculous moisture intended for healing “outside”. And its name is “thermal water”.

What is thermal water?


Thermal water is a cosmetic product that consists of a liquid extracted from thermal springs underground. The mineralized composition of the product has a beneficial effect on the upper layer of the epidermis, and some types of waters even have a pharmaceutical effect, which allows them to be used in the treatment of many dermatological diseases.

Composition of thermal water

The composition of the product may vary markedly for each manufacturer. The amount of microelements depends on the place of extraction of thermal water, on the method of its production and on the type of skin for which it is intended.

Most often found in thermal baths: Calcium (Ca) is responsible for protective functions, Magnesium (Mg) fights inflammation, Sodium (Na) - preservation of minerals in the blood, Potassium (K) - moisture balance, Silicon (Si) is needed to maintain elasticity of the epidermis, chlorides and biocarbonates (soothing for the skin), etc.

What is thermal water needed for?

  1. Refreshes the face at any time of the year, which is especially important in the heat and indoors in winter, where there are heating radiators that dry out the air.
  2. Has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect.
  3. Relieves irritation, fights peeling and acne.
  4. Tightens pores.
  5. Moisturizes the skin and allows it to “breathe”.
  6. Normalizes water-lipid balance.
  7. Improves the protective properties of the epidermis.
  8. Gives the face a well-groomed, healthy look.

Disadvantages of thermal water:

  1. Some customers complain that the thermal dries skin. If you have an oily face, then this drawback can even be considered an advantage of this product. And for dry and normal skin, you need to choose “water” specifically for the dry type of epidermis, since it contains a more gentle mineral composition.
  2. Price. The production of thermal water is an expensive thing, if it is actually extracted from deep sources, which is reflected in the cost of the product.
  3. The possibility of versatile use of a thermal heater completely depends on quality of the spray bottle. Here, as they say, “to each his own”: some people like a strong stream of miraculous liquid, others prefer light irrigation. Based on customer reviews, many admit that they changed the brand of water precisely because of the characteristics of the spray bottle, regardless of the quality of the product itself.
  4. Puffy eye effect after using thermal water the night before bed. This phenomenon is not observed in everyone and depends on the characteristics of the body. Usually the swelling goes away quickly, but if you are not happy with this development of events, you can try applying a thermal bath, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  5. addictive. Our skin gets used to a certain condition, and when you change something in your facial care program, you may feel some discomfort. This happens more often with rich cream. If a woman is used to feeling it on her face, then it is very difficult to refuse such a remedy, even if it harms the condition of the epidermis. The same thing happens with thermal water. Many regular customers of mineral water for the face admit that they no longer imagine how they managed without it before.

Various options for using thermal water in cosmetics and more

  1. Under makeup.Thermal water can be applied immediately after washing or after applying the base. This will allow the skin to “breathe” under a layer of cosmetics, and the foundation will be better distributed on the face.
  2. After makeup — We give cosmetics durability. Lightly spray your face after make-up and your makeup will not run off or smear, and the colors will remain bright for a long period of time. If you are afraid that your cosmetics will not withstand such exposure, then do not splash thermal water directly on your face, but spray it into the air, and then pass through the damp “cloud”.
  3. Under day/night cream. After washing, spray a little thermal water on your face, wait a few seconds, blot off the excess with a paper napkin, apply serum and care cream to your face. Such manipulations with the thermal heater will help the skin prepare for the main course in the form of a cream, and, accordingly, absorb more of what is beneficial for its healthy appearance.
  4. After chemical peeling, facial cleansing and other salon procedures.In this case, thermal water is needed for quick recovery.
  5. After hair removal and depilation. Any hair removal is stress for the skin, the consequences of which are perfectly mitigated by a thermal bath. Mineral water for the epidermis will help mini-wounds heal faster after sugaring, waxing or epilator, and after shaving it will save you from irritation and redness.
  6. While tanning: refreshes, moisturizes, does not interfere with the action of sunscreen.
  7. After sunbathing: soothing and cooling.
  8. Protecting hair from drying out. Thermal water will protect your hair during long exposure to the sun: spray the product not only on your skin, but also on your hair.
  9. For clay based masks. It is believed that when such a mask is on the face for more than 10 minutes, the skin is injured. This problem can be easily solved if, as the clay dries, you spray a thermal spray directly on top of the mask.
  10. To relieve swelling of the eyes. Moisten a cotton pad with thermal water and apply to your eyes for 10-15 minutes. The swelling will quickly subside.
  11. As a basis for masks. Thermal water, in this case, is the best alternative to regular tap water. As a result, the mask works better, more nutrients appear, and they are absorbed faster.
  12. Treatment of diaper rash in babies.Manufacturers advise using this product every time you change diapers. Just spray on the skin and let the liquid absorb a little. Just be careful, because not every thermal water is suitable for these purposes due to its composition. Always read the instructions for the product when purchasing. In addition, there is always a risk of an allergic reaction. Carefully monitor your baby's skin reaction, especially when using thermal water for the first time.
  13. Wound healing. Some types of thermal water have a pronounced pharmaceutical effect: they relieve inflammation and accelerate healing, so many mothers use this wonderful water even in emergency cases, if the child is injured, has a broken knee or is scratched. A few sprays and the pain subsides and the wound heals faster.
  14. After insect bites: relieves itching, redness, heals quickly.
  15. Antistatic for clothes and hair. Electric hair is a common problem during the cold season. Irrigate your hair with a thermal spray and it will stop standing on end. We do the same with synthetic fabrics: spray a little water on the inside of the product, and the clothes will no longer “stick”.
  16. Instead of an iron. Smoothes out wrinkles and creases if you spray the item and leave it to dry on a hanger.

Top best thermal waters, based on customer reviews:

Avène (low mineralized)


Not exactly a budget option (price 600-700 rubles in a pharmacy for 300 ml), but suitable for almost any skin type. The French company Aven offers thermal water in three volumes: 50 ml, 150 ml and 300 ml. A small bottle is more convenient to carry with you, but it is more economical to buy the largest bottle.

As the manufacturers assure, Aven thermal water is extracted from deep sources, bottled somewhere nearby without contact with sunlight, which destroys microelements, and then it ends up on store shelves.

Pros: French quality, excellent dispenser, no odor, versatility of use, suitable for the treatment of diaper rash in infants.

La Roche-posay (LRP)


It has almost identical characteristics to the product presented above, and even the price of these two waters is approximately the same, but the overall mineralization of LRP is higher, and the composition is richer: there is zinc, copper, and selenium.

Pros: French quality, convenient spray until the last spray, varied composition.



A budget product from a renowned Belarusian manufacturer.

Compound: thermal water from the French Alps, good mineralization.

But it has a number of disadvantages: an inconvenient dispenser that emits a stream rather than a “cloud”, which does not allow it to be used specifically as a makeup fixer; the smell from the bottle, which not everyone likes (the liquid itself has no aroma). Currently, Belarusian developers have heeded the demands of customers, and the smell no longer appears when sprayed. But in general, water from Belita copes with the main functions perfectly.

What’s interesting is that, despite the not entirely successful attempt to create an ideal thermal heater, the rest of the products from the “blue” series deserve due attention. Many lovers of Belarusian cosmetics even claim that Belit creams and tonics based on thermal water are in no way inferior to the products of the elite brands Vichy and Aven.


The biggest advantage of this thermal water heater is its manufacturer, who knows a lot about creating high-quality and healthy water. The remaining advantages flow smoothly from the previous statement: a good composition of minerals that is suitable for almost every skin type, a convenient sprayer, and a laconic design. Everything about this water is good, except, probably, the price. A small bottle of 150 ml will cost an average of 1000 rubles.

The table below presents comparative characteristics of the composition of popular brands of thermal waters. The data is for informational purposes only, since even the same brand of water product may differ in composition due to the specifics of the extraction technology (usually the differences are minimal).

Thermal water is a ready-made cosmetic product that nature itself gave us. Its wonderful properties are obtained from magma vapors. The vapors themselves rise from the lower layers to the upper ones, cool, condense and turn into water, along the way being saturated with the gifts of the earth. The rich composition of thermal waters was created in order to maintain the youth and beauty of every girl on the planet.

In winter, this liquid saves the skin from peeling, and in summer from dryness and dehydration. Toned and moisturized skin with the help of this liquid is easy and simple, the main thing is to know the quality companies and the features of each. Today in our article we are choosing the best thermal water for the face: TOP 7 rating, pros and cons, reviews, price, as well as a description of the range presented below.


Next, we will take a closer look at the existing types of thermal liquid.

  1. HYPOTONIC. The amount of mineral salts in such water does not exceed the level of salts in human skin.
  2. ISOTONIC. In terms of the level of mineralization, the active components in the composition are similar to the skin.
  3. HYPERTENSIVE. Contains salts in a slightly higher concentration compared to other subspecies. Therefore, it better absorbs sebum and eliminates oily sheen.

Rating TOP 7 best thermal waters for the face

The modern market provides a large list of cosmetics, including thermal waters, but not every representative of the fair sex knows their quality. We reviewed the proposed list and selected 7 types of thermal liquid from them, which differ from the rest in their proven quality and instant effect. This rating includes:

  1. La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water;
  2. Avene Eau Thermal Water;
  3. Uriage Eau Thermale DUriage;
  4. Vichy Thermal SPA Water;
  5. TOO FRUIT Fresh Mist;
  6. Librederm “Refreshment and hydration”;
  7. Amaranthe “Classic”.

Let's take a closer look at the presented assortment.

La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water

The thermal water presented is designed to soothe and nourish irritated and sensitive skin, prone to rashes and peeling. The composition of microelements has an extremely positive effect on the epidermis. The product is recommended by doctors as a restorative for skin diseases, after cosmetic procedures and intense sun exposure.

A country France
Age any
Skin type irritated and sensitive
Hypoallergenic No

Price category: from 400 to 650 rub.


  1. calms;
  2. moisturizes;
  3. prevents accelerated skin aging;
  4. eliminates swelling.


Good water, my daughter and I are delighted. Carefully takes care of damaged skin in the cold, soothes and relieves redness. It does not have any odor and does not leave a greasy film on the face. Thank you, we recommend it.

Avene Eau Thermal Water

This product belongs to thermal waters of low mineralization, and is intended primarily to soften the dermis and soothe it. It is recommended to use the liquid after shaving, hair removal and various sunburns. The water contains components of silicon, iron, zinc, silver, manganese, and fluorine.

Age any
Skin type dry and sensitive
Hypoallergenic No
Country of Origin France

Price list: from 479 to 600 rubles.


  1. soothes inflamed skin;
  2. relieves swelling;
  3. nourishes and moisturizes.


A good product that soothes the skin in a matter of minutes. After use, there was no redness, peeling or allergic reactions, although it is difficult for me to choose any cosmetics due to allergies. So far I’m happy with everything, we’ll see what happens next.

Uriage Eau Thermale DUriage

Natural isotonic water has a healing effect on the skin due to its unique composition, rich in mineral salts and essential oligoelements. The unique concentration of mineral elements makes this liquid an excellent dermal care product. Designed for daily care of sensitive and hypersensitive skin of newborns, children, adults.

Age no restrictions
Skin type sensitive
Hypoallergenic yes
Manufacturer country France

Price: from 370 to 500 rub.


  1. soothes irritated facial skin;
  2. suitable for children;
  3. hypoallergenic;
  4. relieves swelling and fatigue.


The water is great. I have been using this product exclusively for a long time and have not experienced any skin problems at all. The effect on the skin is immediate: swelling, itching, fatigue, dryness disappear immediately. Leaves a natural blush and velvet on the face. I'm delighted and will always use it.

Vichy Thermal SPA Water

The liquid presented is in the SPA category. The product from the very depths of volcanoes has a unique composition that no modern laboratory can imagine. 13 microelements and 17 minerals have a beneficial effect on the external condition of the skin and, accordingly, on the epidermis itself. A weightless layer of water nourishes every cell of the dermis, leaving no film or traces of the product.

Skin type any
Hypoallergenic Yes
Manufacturer country France
Age no restrictions

Price: from 411 to 550 rubles.


  1. penetrates into the deep layers of the skin;
  2. saturates cells with moisture;
  3. nourishes dry, dehydrated dermis.


An ideal product with many beneficial properties. Firstly, water does not dry out the skin, secondly, it nourishes perfectly, especially in winter, and thirdly, it does not leave marks on the face and smells pleasant. In general, I am delighted with the purchase, and I advise you to do the same.

TOO FRUIT Fresh Mist

A soft baby spray that takes full care of the baby's delicate skin. Its action is aimed at protecting the skin from the adverse effects of external aggressive factors throughout the day. The facial mist provides gentle, high-quality cleansing and pleasantly tones the epidermis. Its formula consists of 99% natural and 20% organic ingredients. It contains blueberry, glycerin and orange extracts.

Production France
Age from 7 to 12 years
Dermis type any type
Hypoallergenic Yes

Price category: from 826 to 1000 rub.


  1. cleanses the dermis;
  2. eliminates diaper rash and rashes;
  3. takes care of the internal balance of the skin.


Not only the child uses it, but I do too. A great option to remove signs of fatigue and flaking from your face. My daughter has a natural blush and the flaking has disappeared, and I cleanse my skin after makeup. I recommend it to everyone, we are satisfied.

Librederm “Refreshment and hydration”

The Russian brand has invented the ideal remedy to combat dryness and tightness of the skin. The water, born in the depths of the Scottish mountains, is considered crystal clear and has the following composition: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium. These components take excellent care of sensitive and dehydrated dermis, relieve swelling, strengthen the skin structure, inhibit premature aging, and nourish the dermis at the cellular level.

Age from 20 years old
Dermis type dry, irritated
Manufacturer Russia
Hypoallergenic No

Price list: from 577 to 700 rub.


  1. refreshes facial skin;
  2. refreshes daytime makeup;
  3. relieves swelling;
  4. cleanses the dermis.


An ideal product to help your facial skin look fresh and healthy. Nourishes, moisturizes and softens the dermis, cleanses of cosmetic residues and does not leave a film. Perfectly soothes after a hard day. I'm delighted, thank you.

Amaranthe “Classic”

Amaranthe contains natural glycerin. The water is enriched with minerals and trace elements. All these ingredients deeply moisturize, nourish, renew the skin, relieve inflammation and help with dermatological diseases. Enriched with the most valuable vitamins and minerals extracted from the depths of the sea. Suitable for any skin type and considered hypoallergenic.

Manufacturer Ukraine
Hypoallergenic Yes
Age from 20 years old
Dermis type any

Price: from 200 to 270 rubles.


  1. relieves inflammation;
  2. helps with complications of dermatitis;
  3. promotes effective hydration and nutrition of the dermis.


The product is good, without a strong odor and no residual water on the face. Absorbs instantly and frees the skin from impurities and rashes of various kinds. Suitable for my sensitive skin without causing redness. I'm satisfied, I recommend it.

Comparative table of the presented funds

In order to compare the presented products, we suggest taking a look at the table with their characteristics below.

Product name

Country of Origin Age of application Skin type Hypoallergenic

Price, rub)

La Roche-Posay Thermal Spring Water France any irritated and sensitive no from 400 to 650 Avene Eau Thermal Water France any dry and sensitive no from 479 to 600 Uriage Eau Thermale DUriage France no restrictions sensitive yes from 370 to 500 Vichy Thermal SPA Water France no restrictions any yes from 411 to 550 TOO FRUIT Fresh Mist France from 7 to 12 years any type yes from 826 to 1000 Librederm “Refreshment and hydration” Russia over 20 years dry, irritated no from 577 to 700 Amaranthe “Classic” Ukraine from 20 years any yes from 200 to 270

Best lists

In addition to the range presented above, we have created another list of thermal waters that differ from each other in their abilities. This TOP includes:

Let's take a closer look at this list of products.

Pleyana SPA Aroma Termal Mint-Lavender – for normal skin

Thermal liquid from the Russian company Pleyana is saturated with French mint and lavender hydrosols. Mint has a beneficial effect on the skin, giving it a natural glow and glow from the inside. Lavender has a positive effect on thin skin, soothing and softening it. The product itself was extracted in Essentuki.

Price list: from 480 to 600 rub.

Ya Samaya - for dry skin

Pure thermal water from the springs of BURSA (Turkey) has a beneficial effect on the skin and helps neutralize the effects of free radicals, which are the main cause of early skin aging. This cosmetic product perfectly moisturizes, tones and refreshes. In addition, it is suitable for use in the cervical and décolleté areas.

Price: from 180 to 300 rubles.

Vitex Blue Therm – for oily skin

The presented product copes well with oily and combination skin. Prevents the appearance of sebum, removes oily shine, promotes rejuvenation and effective hydration. It contains alcohol and sulfates. Removes minor rashes and cares for the epidermis without overdrying.

Price list: from 235 to 330 rub.

IsN three - for sensitive skin

The presented product contains water from underground springs located in Belgium and a complex of minerals that intensively moisturize and soothe sensitive skin. Minerals contained in thermal water saturate the skin with oxygen and improve metabolic processes. Daily use of this liquid improves the appearance of the skin, evens out its tone and gives a feeling of freshness.

Price category: from 1500 to 2000 rub.

What to look for when choosing

The effective effect of water lies in its correct acquisition. Therefore, before purchasing, we recommend taking a look at a couple of recommendations below.

  1. Consider degree of mineralization liquids. After all, what suits one skin type can have a detrimental effect on another.
  1. Isotonic. Suitable for all skin types.
  2. Hypertensive. Ideal for oily skin types.
  3. Hypotonic. Suitable for sensitive skin prone to allergies.
  1. Compound. Pay careful attention to this element; additional beneficial properties of thermal water will be indicated there. Water containing zinc has a special effect.
  2. Thermal water goes beyond skin hydration. Remember, this product includes many functions, but this will not be stated on the label. Use thermal water before applying the cream. It further moisturizes and helps its active ingredients penetrate deeper into the skin. Use this liquid during fitness and active sports. It will help restore the balance of microelements that are lost due to excessive sweating. Use the product after depilation and hair removal. During these manipulations, the hair follicle is injured. This miracle remedy soothes, relieves irritation and prevents the development of inflammation. It is recommended to use thermal water to soothe the skin after peelings, scrubs and massage therapy.