Facial skin care regimen

A woman’s face is a kind of “showcase” of appearance. That is why it is necessary to take into account the stages of facial skin care when performing daily cosmetic procedures. After all, the face is exposed to external and internal conditions.

Malfunctions in the functioning of the body, sleepless nights, exposure to wind or, on the contrary, the rays of the sun, all this is reflected as a carbon copy on delicate skin. For this reason, caring for her must be systematic, competent and step-by-step.

There are some basic, universal rules that apply to absolutely any skin type (this includes the stages of applying some cosmetics). But the rest of the care needs to be tailored strictly to yourself.

We will help you understand what your skin requires!

Rules for facial skin care

For complete, and most importantly, high-quality facial skin care, you should choose everything you need and need for each type of skin from the list. The care list, in general, is small and includes only a few items for everyday facial care. Although at first glance this entire complex may seem numerous and difficult to implement, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to outline the steps necessary for a particular woman’s skin and move in a given direction purposefully and systematically.

Keep it regular

The main law of beauty is the need for daily facial skin care. Fatigue, lack of time, banal laziness should not stand in the way of beauty and grooming. Makeup must be washed off, skin care products applied to the skin, peelings and masks are carried out at certain intervals. This is the base. The foundation, without which the appearance of the dermis will never become well-groomed and pleasing to the eye. That is why step-by-step care should be practically “hammered” into the daily routine of every self-loving woman.

Apply skincare products correctly

The application of cosmetics during the day and during evening care must certainly be done along the massage lines. This will help the cosmetics absorb faster and avoid stretching of the dermis, which can occur if the fingers are moved incorrectly. The main massage lines are:

  1. from the chin to the earlobes;
  2. from the corners of the lips to the earlobes;
  3. from the bridge of the nose to the temples;
  4. from the outer corners of the eye to the inner (movements along the upper and lower eyelids);
  5. from the collarbones to the chin up the center of the neck;
  6. from the earlobes to the shoulders on the sides of the neck.

Basic stages of facial skin care

The main stages of facial skin care are as follows:

  1. cleansing;
  2. toning;
  3. hydration;
  4. applying cream.

Facial skin care at home involves the use of peelings and masks. But these steps are considered periodic because they are not performed daily.

Skin cleansing

The primary stage of complete daily facial care is skin cleansing. Dust, cosmetics, sebum, toxic substances of the modern environment readily clog the pores of the face almost every minute. Of course, all excess accumulated during the day must be removed. Otherwise, comedones (blackheads), acne, inflammation and other minor and major troubles will most likely appear on your face. For this reason, cleansing the dermis must be thorough and regular.


Following the care sequence, the cleansing is followed by a toning process. Toners remove remnants of cleansing cosmetics from the face and give the skin a fresh look. The tonic helps narrow pores, cellular renewal, restore acid balance and relieve inflammation.

Moisturizing your face

A facial will not be considered complete if the face is not moisturized. This can be achieved by using moisturizing creams, sprays and lotions. They will help restore the skin's water balance.

Find out more about the stages of facial skin care:

How to apply cream on your face?

The cream, selected taking into account your skin type, is suitable as a skin care product for every day. It is very important to apply cosmetics correctly. Then it will have a better effect. Having completed the remaining preliminary stages of basic care, you can begin to distribute the cream over your face.

A small amount of cream is squeezed onto the palm. Distribute the product with careful movements. Leave the cream until completely absorbed. The remains are rubbed over the surface of the hands.

Important! You don’t need to skimp on the amount of product, but you shouldn’t apply too much of it either.

Sequence of facial skin care in popular questions

Modern man is very mobile. We are constantly striving somewhere, running, walking - to the bus, up the career ladder, towards our goals. So why not start taking steps towards amazing, youthful skin? Moreover, these steps will not require any excessive effort.

So, step-by-step instructions for daily facial care look like this:

Step 1: Wash your hands. Touch your face exclusively with clean hands.

Step 2. Remove eye makeup. For this purpose, a special product (hydrophilic oil, micellar water) is suitable, which must be applied to a cotton pad and lightly moved along the eyelids, removing any remaining makeup.

Apply cleanser to face and neck using fingertips. After a minute, rinse with warm water.

Step 3. Moisten a cotton pad with toner. Gently rub the skin along the massage lines.

By the way. If a tonic is used in the form of a spray, it is sprayed over the face and gently driven into the dermis with light movements of the fingertips. The product can also be distributed with a cotton pad.

Step 4: Apply moisturizer. This process is carried out twice a day - morning and evening, distributing the product along the massage lines.

Important! Day cream is applied half an hour before going out into the air (an hour in winter) so that it has time to be absorbed. Night cream is applied about an hour before bedtime.

What kind of water should you wash your face with?

It is recommended to tidy up your facial skin with cleansers and water. But is all water suitable for such a delicate procedure? What water is best to use?

Ideally, use filtered water free of chlorine. But it is also acceptable to wash your face with tap water. Its contact with the dermis when washing lasts no longer than a few seconds, and the tonic applied afterwards neutralizes the effect of all “unhealthy” substances.

Is it possible not to wash your skin with water at all, but to do it with micellar liquid or milk?

Yes. Can. But after such a procedure, you need to wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in water or tonic. This will remove any remaining cleaning products.

How often should you wash your face?

When caring for your delicate facial skin, you shouldn’t forget about washing your face every day. Complete facial skin care involves at least two washes - morning and evening. This approach will allow you to cleanse your skin after sleep or a day of work and prepare it for subsequent skin care stages.

Is it necessary to use night cream?

The subtleties of the facial skin care process depend on the woman’s age. Very young girls do not need to apply night cream. All you have to do is cleanse your face and apply toner.

Having crossed the twenty-five year mark, ladies are recommended to perform all skincare procedures without exception.

Is the procedure for caring for your skin different in summer and winter?

Seasonality in facial care also plays an important role. Facial care in summer differs from the same procedure in winter. Although the basic sequence of stages is usually preserved. In winter, it is worth using protective products that protect your skin from negative weather influences. Moisturizer is applied exclusively at night. It is unacceptable to go outside immediately after applying the product.

Summer care is aimed at moisturizing the dermis. In warm weather, it is recommended to apply natural-based masks more often: fruit, clay, vegetable, etc.

Does everyone need to use a toner?

Many girls doubt the advisability of using tonic in facial care. But it is preferable for everyone to use the tonic. It is preferable to choose a product for your skin type that performs suitable functions. Thus, according to functionality, tonics are divided into moisturizing, refreshing, astringent, exfoliating and others.

The sequence of actions in facial skin care is a mandatory condition. Three main steps - cleansing, moisturizing, toning - a woman should do every day, moving towards well-groomed and youthful skin. Regular care procedures in tandem with high-quality cosmetics will help achieve stunning results.

Do you want to know what the Korean facial skin care system is? It is believed that Korean women provide themselves with proper care day and night, so they look very young even after 60 years.

Greetings, friends! Svetlana Morozova is with you. It is believed that beauty in Korean is the ability to take care of oneself not when problems in the form of wrinkles, pallor and swelling have already appeared, but starting from a teenage girl. But any information must be approached critically. Korean facial care also includes the passionate love of Korean women for plastic surgery, which they have subjected themselves to since school age.


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Breaking your chin bones to achieve a perfect, pointed oval, shortening your nose and constantly tightening your skin is not the best way to maintain health. Among Korean women after 50 years, there are quite a lot of wrinkled and flabby women. But our goal is to take only the best and use other people's experience for our benefit. Therefore, the Korean facial skin care system for us is the ability to maintain a balance of beauty and health for many years.

From this position I will approach the topic of our conversation today.

Ten step ladder to ideal

Objective pros and cons

When we are lazy to take care of ourselves, we act stupid and short-sighted. Many problems in older age can be avoided if you follow simple hygiene rules from your youth, don’t eat anything and use only the best products to take care of your body.


Pros of the Korean system

  1. Girls learn to devote as much time and attention to their appearance as required. A beautiful face is a ninety percent guarantee that a Korean woman will get married successfully, get a prestigious job and a good salary. Yes, girls become similar to each other after all the procedures and plastic surgery, but they sacrifice individuality for the sake of prestige and career.
  2. The preventive measures that this method implies include a daily ten-step system of caring for your face. The epidermis is provided with everything it needs - nutrition, moisture and protection. It tones and maintains an even, healthy color and matte shine.
  3. Korean women protect themselves from exposure to ultraviolet rays that age their skin.
  4. They do not overuse coloring cosmetics, preferring a natural look and freshness, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the dermis.
  5. Finally, they respect professionals and use the advice of cosmetologists and visit them as regularly as Americans do psychologists.

Now let's talk about the cons

You need to have a lot of free time to have time to carry out all the necessary procedures twice a day. Not every modern woman can afford this, even at home. After all, she doesn’t live in Korea, where a woman’s appearance is mainly required, and education and business skills are in tenth place. If our European men could fully provide their wives, daughters and girlfriends with everything they need, our women would have more free time for regular facial care.

In order to follow all Asian recommendations, you need to choose a huge range of cosmetics. Not every one of us can afford it, and if we miss some of the stages, we risk not achieving the promised result.


The Korean facial skin care system is not suitable for all Russian women. We live in different climates, eat different foods. For example, seafood, which is available to all residents of South Korea and practically replaces meat and milk, can only reach most of us frozen and at exorbitant prices. We historically eat different foods that affect us differently. Therefore, we must have different means of care.

A significant percentage of synthetic components in Korean cosmetics is not suitable for us, inhabitants of northern latitudes. It’s not for nothing that we are developing a line of care using homemade masks, creams and even soap. Entire cosmetic companies boast that their products contain only natural ingredients. This is not easy.

Before you indulge in Asian creams, gels and serums, which contain a huge amount of chemicals, you should definitely test them to make sure it won’t make things worse.

Korean facial skin care system: step-by-step scheme

You need to take care of the condition of your epidermis not after 20, not at 25 years old, but much earlier, starting from adolescence, when the first problems appear.

For ease of understanding, I will not separate the stages of care into day and night, but will describe all 10 steps, adding the necessary explanations. You can also watch a video on this topic.

1. Cleaning

It is carried out using hydrophilic oil. The procedure is carried out in the morning after sleep and in the evening to remove makeup and is a preparation for other products. Does not require auxiliary devices such as cotton swabs. Simply rub in your hands, apply to the face and after a light massage, wash off, taking with you the dirt from your pores, remnants of makeup and harmful bacteria that have managed to multiply.

When it comes to looking after combination skin, don't forget that different areas of your face require an individual approach. This is the main rule of anti-aging procedures.

2. Washing

If you think that you have already washed your face, this is not so. Korean women wash their face twice. After cleaning, they use a special soap or foam, which is applied to the face with their hands, a fine mesh or a sponge made from the konnyaku plant. After which the washing procedure is repeated.


3. Deep cleaning

To do this, you can use a scrub or peeling roll. The latter is applied to dried skin and massaged until the keratinized layer of cells comes off and begins to roll into pellets. They are washed off with water.

This technique allows not only to remove dead skin cells, but also to smooth the surface, tighten pores and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

4. Toning

We like to ignore this point, but it is very important for any type of epidermis.

When caring for oily dermis, you will need Freshner, and for dry or normal skin - Toner or Skin. The first contains a share of alcohol, so it also disinfects. They are applied with hands or cotton pads.


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After cleaning and washing, your skin needs moisture. Toning helps retain water in the tissues. In addition, metabolic processes begin to go faster and this will significantly help in the next stages.

5. Essential effect

A number of tools are used to create it:

  1. watery, gel-like, for example Booster;
  2. thicker and more viscous essences to care for problematic dermis;
  3. serums are a more concentrated option that has the same properties as essences. An even more concentrated option is ampoules.

These substances are designed to combat pigmentation, dehydration and other problems.

6. Nutrition and hydration

In the morning you will use face cream. In the evening, the next step will be fabric-based masks, hydrogel and others suitable for your skin type. They provide nutrition and hydration. When switching to a night mask, you use toner again.

All masks fight the problem of aging, moisturize and smooth out wrinkles.

During the day, it is also recommended to take antioxidants, switch to drinking green tea instead of black, and do not forget to maintain water balance, for which you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day.

7. Eyelid care

Separately, you will need to use a cream for the orbital area. The skin here is more delicate and requires special care. Therefore, products for it are made with a light structure. They are well absorbed and do not irritate the cornea of ​​the eye if they accidentally flow under the eyelids.

8. Preparation

At this stage, you prepare the skin for applying daytime makeup or a night mask.

In the first case, a light concealer is applied, on which toner or powder will lie.

In the second - a moisturizing cream or emulsion. If you have dry, normal or very delicate skin, using a special emulsion is enough.


9. Protection and saturation

During the day, you must use sunscreen, regardless of whether it is spring, summer or winter. At night, an hour after the cream, apply a night nourishing mask. They can be moisturizing, cleansing, toning, brightening and others.

10. Additions

During the day, when it is difficult to keep your face fresh and clean, you can use additional mattifying wipes or mist. Korean women especially love multifunctional BB cream, light, unobtrusive cosmetics, and lip gloss. Despite the fact that day creams are often labeled to indicate sun protection, women prefer to add a protective UV filter under the cream.

At night it is useful to supplement your care with various nourishing oils.

A couple of words of encouragement

It is believed that it is not necessary to use cosmetics from one line, as well as to become fixated on a specific company. For example, in South Korea, something new is released for women every season.

The Korean facial skin care system does not mean that you have to buy products made in South Korea. You can switch to well-known brands in other countries that produce similar products.

It’s easier to find everything you need through the online store.

Finally, let me remind you that you should not sleep with makeup on. And also - that overwork, poor nutrition and bad habits do not improve our appearance.

In order to feel like a real woman, there are ways besides the ten-step method discussed.


To make your skin glow with beauty and youth, you should not forget about facial fitness. Instead of expensive imported equipment, I propose a gymnastic complex for home exercises. My course "Facial modeling and rejuvenation BEAUTYVITA" Better than any cosmetics, it will help you remove age spots, improve trophism, get rid of dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles, gaping pores and acne. It only takes 10 minutes a day and within a couple of weeks you will enjoy changes for the better.

I tried my course on myself and can vouch for the fact that it is suitable for any age, any skin type and will not harm even during pregnancy.

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Reader reviews

I don’t really care what happens to me after 30 years. I read a book that says that success depends on whether we want it ourselves or not. Just tell me 424 times that we need some kind of system, be it Korean or Vietnamese. We don’t live in the south and we even have less sun than there. And we value brains, not doll-like appearance. I believe in it. I’ll live to see “after 35” at least, then we’ll see. Maybe it will be necessary to fight aging. Do you know that those who do not want to grow old do not grow old?

Oksana M. (34 years old)

I have used Korean cosmetics more than once, but I did not notice that it made me feel better than any other. The fact that it is full of chemistry is a fact. But the best hand cream I ever had contained a whole list of chemicals. It’s not a matter of synthetics, although of course it’s better to use them less, especially for us, weakened by the climate and all sorts of abuses. Everything takes time. If you have time to take care of yourself, no matter what method you use to do it, the benefits will still be obvious.

Hello, dear readers of our site. We continue to receive and adopt the useful experience of oriental beauties. Continuing the topic of the Japanese face washing system, we will turn to Korean experience and beauty tips from Korean beauties. In today's article we will tell you in detail about all the intricacies of facial skin care according to the Korean system.

Unlike the European approach to caring for appearance, which is aimed not at preventing painful and age-related changes, but at treating and masking existing skin problems, Korean care involves carefully preserving the freshness and beauty of the face. Korean women, even in old age, look amazing, boasting smooth, light, porcelain-like skin, a minimum of wrinkles, and a toned oval face. In addition to genetic characteristics and proper nutrition, the ideal appearance of Asian beauties is due to a competent, regular, multi-stage skin care ritual. So, today we will talk about Korean facial skin care - a 10-step system.

Pros of Korean skin care system

The specificity of the Korean method of facial care lies precisely in the prevention of skin imperfections and ailments, and not in retouching an already damaged appearance.

Korean facial skin care is a complex, long-term, multi-level complex of morning and evening procedures aimed at cleansing and restoring the skin both after applying decorative cosmetics and after a night's rest.

Korean care involves a layer-by-layer method of applying cosmetics, which contributes to the deepest and most intense effect on the skin layers.

European women, unlike Asian women, pay little attention to morning care activities; they consider regular washing with or without soap sufficient. But during sleep, the sebaceous and sweat glands continue to work actively, so in the morning the skin needs cleansing even more than in the evening, and soap has an unpleasant drying property.

Korean women pay great attention to moisturizing the skin and protecting it from ultraviolet radiation, which allows it to remain youthful for as long as possible. Therefore, many Korean products contain moisturizing and sunscreen components. The cosmetic arsenal of Asian beauties consists mainly of caring, rather than decorative, preparations. Korean women do not like excesses in their appearance; they are sure that the best adornment of any woman is a clean and fresh face, and not bright “war” paint.

Cons of Korean skin care system

  1. Need to set aside a lot of time. Of course, for a European woman, such a long process of caring for her face may seem tedious and pointless. Asian women have a completely different mentality; if a Korean beauty can afford to show off in front of the mirror for several tens of minutes, a European woman will call it a waste of time. Although Korean women, who from a young age learn to properly take care of their appearance, skillfully spend no more than 15 minutes on all procedures.
  2. Large assortment of cosmetics. Korean girls have so many cosmetics in their makeup bags that the most glamorous and well-groomed European beauty could envy them. Korea produces excellent and effective cosmetics, but quite expensive. Not every woman in our country will allow herself to purchase and use Korean care products, especially in such large quantities.
  3. Not suitable for everyone. The skin structure of Asian and European women differs much more than one might expect. Asian women's skin is naturally much less prone to oiliness. Therefore, our women should carry out Korean facial care and use cosmetics from Korea containing a large percentage of synthetic components with caution. For ladies whose facial skin is prone to excessive sebaceous formations, the Korean facial care system is unacceptable.

The main stages of the Korean skin care system

Below is a detailed description of the Korean multi-level facial care system. The sequence of all stages is presented in the most accurate form.

Korean facial skin care system

Morning care Evening care
  1. skin cleansing (gel or foam for washing, cream soap­);
  2. skin toning (toner, lotion);
  3. skin nutrition (serum, emulsion, milk);
  4. additional care using a mask;
  5. day face cream;
  6. makeup.
  1. double cleansing of the skin (foam and hydrophilic oil);
  2. deep skin massage (peeling, rolling masks);
  3. skin toning (toner, lotion);
  4. skin nutrition (serum, emulsion, milk);
  5. additional care with masks and natural oils;
  6. night cream, eye cream.

Skin cleansing

You need to cleanse your skin properly in the morning. You say: “Here’s another thing I don’t know how to wash: soap and water are my best friends!” Simply washing your face with water is not enough to combat sweat, oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells that accumulate overnight, says Korean facial cleansing guru Charlotte Cho. Washing with soap is also not a good option, because alkaline soap suds not only dry out the skin, but also remove the upper protective layer of the epidermis.

To cleanse the skin, Korean women use gentle, gentle foams or gels, which are whipped in a special mesh, applied to the face with light, circular, massaging movements with their hands, then washed off with warm water.

In the evening, the cleansing procedure becomes a little more complicated.

  1. Before applying the care product, make-up is completely removed from the face using a makeup remover or special wet wipes.
  2. Then hydrophilic oil is first applied to the skin, followed by foam.

This sequence is not accidental. During the day, the pores of the skin become saturated with a very oily and heavy mixture of makeup, sweat, sebaceous secretions, dirt and dust, dead cells, which is quite problematic to wash off with foam alone. And hydrophilic oil, which fights specifically against waterproof components of cosmetics, dissolves this unpleasant mass quite well.

Many girls think: “Why spend money on cleansers, because it doesn’t linger on your face and is washed down the drain within a few seconds!? I’d rather spend on a good cream or serum.” The stage of cleansing the facial skin is underestimated by most European women. After all, before applying other care products (creams, masks, etc.), the skin needs to be prepared so that the effect after treatment is visible. Otherwise, it’s all useless and a cream for 5,000 rubles will not bring the desired result.

After a well-spent evening with loved ones, say at a club or karaoke, the thought that we will need to spend 5 minutes before going to bed to remove makeup makes us shiver, and sleep is already approaching... If you think for a second, our skin is barrier between our organs. It protects us from the negative influences of the outside world, blocking the way for dirt, allergens and other harmful substances that seek to enter our body. By neglecting the first stage of skin care, we stimulate the appearance of pimples, blackheads, and acne.

Korean Charlotte Cho also recommends cleansing internally. Taking antioxidants will cleanse your body from the inside, which will certainly have a positive effect on your appearance, in particular on your skin color. Love green tea, preferably natural tea, say Chinese, because it contains a large number of useful elements that stimulate metabolism.

Deep skin massage

Deep cleansing of the face from keratinized particles and blackheads is performed a couple of times during the week in the evening, and if the skin is delicate and prone to damage, then even less often. Common peeling products are scrubs and cleansing masks with particles of coffee beans or apricot kernels, but Korean care for sensitive skin is simply unthinkable without rolling masks. This invention of Asian cosmetologists is extremely popular among Korean women.

These peeling masks are made on the basis of natural wax and cellulose, they have a gel structure and are easy to apply to the face. They are much softer and more gentle than scrubs, they do not tear or scratch the skin. The mask, when rubbed on the skin with smooth massaging movements, forms small pellets to which blackheads, wen secretions, dirt, and dead particles of the epidermis stick. Then the pellets are washed off with warm water.

Skin toning

After washing, it is necessary to normalize the water balance of the face, soften it and restore tone. Just a minute after cleansing, the skin’s moisture drops sharply down to 50%; in order to stabilize it as much as possible, Koreans use the three-second rule. Immediately after washing, within this shortest time, it is necessary to apply a refreshing toner or lotion to the face, otherwise the skin will dry out and the aging mechanism will start in the deeper layers.

Korean tonics are softer, more gentle, and fresher than European preparations; they contain amino acids and natural plant extracts. In addition, many Asian brands do not contain alcohol, which not only mercilessly dries the skin, but also destroys beneficial microflora.

Korean women never use cotton pads to apply skin care products; they splash toner or lotion on their face with their palms, like plain water. Quite wasteful, but effective. Asian beauties are especially fond of mist spray - a light tonic in cans that is sprayed onto the face.

Skin nutrition

Korean women consider intensive nutrition a very important step in facial care. It is serums and emulsions that contain active biological elements in concentrated form that fight skin diseases and imperfections, such as age wrinkles, acne, and age spots. Unlike creams that act on the upper layers of the skin, serums and emulsions penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis, which allows you not only to quickly achieve the desired appearance, but also to consolidate the result for a long time.

The best nourishing serums and essences are produced by Korean and Japanese cosmetology companies. Their preparations have a light texture, are well absorbed, contain proven natural ingredients, and, thanks to their special molecular composition, do not release moisture from the inner layers of the skin. Asian nourishing products are very economical; for a visible effect, it is enough to apply a few drops to the face.

Additional care

Korean multi-level facial care is simply impossible to imagine without masks. Korean masks are washable and leave-in, day and night, and are divided into several types depending on skin problems:

  1. to tighten and cleanse skin pores;
  2. to restore and tone the skin;
  3. for moisturizing;
  4. to lighten and even out skin pigmentation;
  5. to prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Korean cosmetologists recommend alternating masks of different types to enhance the therapeutic effect. Asian women apply the mask to the face with massaging movements, which allows the active substances to be absorbed deeper into the skin layers. Korean women mainly use ready-made fabric masks, cut to the shape of the face with holes for the eyes and mouth. It is important to apply the mask tightly to the skin so that the active ingredients are evenly distributed over the face. Such masks do not need to be washed off; when the fabric is removed, the remaining ingredients will be absorbed into the skin.

An absolute hit among Korean skincare products are night masks, which are applied to the face before bed, about an hour after applying the night cream. Being rich in nutrients, night masks are quickly absorbed and do not leave marks on the laundry..

Face creams

Creams from Asian manufacturers are completely different from European and American brands. They are lighter, more porous, and do not form a sticky film on the skin. Creams from Korea not only nourish, but also intensely moisturize the skin without clogging pores. In the morning, a cream with a sun protection factor is relevant, and in the evening you cannot do without a thick night cream, which is applied in a thick layer and absorbed gradually during sleep.

Korean ladies pay great attention to caring for the area around the eyes; they do not rub eyelid cream, but pat it on with light movements of their fingertips. Dark circles, puffiness, puffiness and other signs of tired eyes are simply unacceptable for Asian beauties.

To choose the right cream, it is important to know the properties of its components. Therefore, carefully study the tables below or print them out for yourself before going to the store for a new cream.


Korean women prefer light, discreet, matte makeup that emphasizes the freshness and purity of their skin. In everyday life, Asian women rarely use bright eye shadow, eyeliner, or rich-colored lipsticks; they consider too much makeup a sign of vulgarity and bad taste. A Korean woman may well limit herself to foundation or multifunctional BB cream, powder that sets makeup, and lip gloss of a delicate shade. It’s great if the packaging of decorative cosmetics bears the “SPF” sign, which means protection from solar radiation.

Let's take a look at the makeup bags of Korean beauties!?

Additional recommendations for skin care according to the Korean system

In addition to the main stages, Korean skin care has many additions and nuances that help more effectively and quickly cope with problems and imperfections in appearance.

  1. Cosmetologist. If American women cannot imagine life without a personal psychologist, then Korean women always take time to visit a cosmetologist or dermatologist once a week. Advice from specialists is very important for them; if necessary, the doctor will carry out medical procedures and adjust the care system.
  2. Let's not get hung up. When choosing cosmetics, European women give preference to one brand and use it, if not all their lives, then for quite a long time. And Korean women never get attached to one product; they change cosmetics after several months of use. Korean manufacturers delight their customers with new products every season. Thanks to this approach, the skin does not have time to get used to a particular drug and does not lose its sensitivity to the active ingredients.
  3. Don't forget about hydration. Korean women like to anoint their body and face with a lot of healing oils, essential and aromatic. Since Asian women's skin is predominantly dry, applying several layers of oil to their face is not a problem for them. Natural oils are usually used either as a mask or as a base for a cream. After such intensive nutrition, the skin becomes surprisingly soft, like velvet.
  4. And of course masks. Korean girls have a real passion for various masks. If European women use masks at most a couple of times a week, then for Korean women, moisturizing with masks is a nightly ritual. And Asian women quite rightly do not consider such frequent procedures unnecessary. Korean masks are gentle and gentle, made of cotton, they contain vitamins and herbal extracts.
  1. Skin around the eyes. For the sensitive area around the eyes, so-called patches are used - semicircular patches filled with glycerin, vitamins and essential acids, oils and extracts. They not only moisturize the skin under the eyelids, but also get rid of bags, blue discolorations, fine wrinkles and other signs of fatigue and anxiety.
  2. Tanning andSPF-protection. European and American women love to sunbathe; they burn their bodies on the beaches and in solariums to a chocolate state. Asian women cannot stand sunbathing; even on the beach they do their best to hide from the sun. Korean women have a completely white face in fashion, and for good reason, because direct sunlight has a detrimental effect on the skin, drying out and aging it. The vast majority of Korean creams contain an SPF factor that reliably protects against harsh ultraviolet radiation.

Also, many Korean cosmetic preparations contain a very specific natural component - snail mucus. For our ladies, accustomed to flower and herbal extracts, this ingredient only causes disgust, but Asian women actively use it not only in creams, but also in masks. It has been scientifically proven that snail secretions have strong restorative and healing properties and contain collagen, the most important substance for the skin.


Where to buy Korean cosmetics in an online store

Dear girls, I would like to inform you that in order to care for your facial skin according to the Korean system, it is not necessary to buy Korean cosmetics. You can order any brands you like in the following online stores:

  1. roskosmetika Roskosmetika is a leader in the market of online stores of high-quality cosmetics and related products. Good service and fast delivery are guaranteed.
  2. christinacosmetics Israeli cosmetics in this online store are famous for natural ingredients produced on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. At least once in her life, every woman should pamper herself with Israeli-made cosmetics!
  3. thebodyshop - Bodyshop has long proven its quality, especially among young beauties. These are high-quality cosmetics that can be selected for any skin type.

All of them have been checked by us, the administrators of the site Story-woman.ru! Especially for our beautiful readers!

It is clear that Korean multi-step skin care involves a significant change in lifestyle. In addition to the fact that you will need to devote at least an hour every day to caring for your face, you will have to give up bad habits and poor nutrition. Numerous enthusiastic responses from fans of the Korean system confirm that it is truly effective. To wait for a noticeable result, you need to use the Korean method for at least a month, during which the skin cells are completely renewed, carefully following all the steps.

About the author of the article:

Cosmetologist, director of 3 cosmetology clinics under her own brand “Lyudmila”. Author of articles for professional online publications and participant in many international symposiums.