Test System D/Confirmation Presence of Antibodies to Individual Proteins of Hepatitis C


Introduction: A diagnosis of hepatitis is not a death sentence. Both individual and complex treatment methods have proven themselves well. The main condition for treatment is its timeliness. At the same time, there is a need for diagnostics, which primarily uses ELISA methods. The analysis, which is carried out in a laboratory setting, makes it possible to identify and prove the presence of viral markers of hepatitis in the early stages of the disease, which allows timely initiation of the necessary treatment. For this purpose, an antibody test system is used.

The general operating principle of the test system is the immunological method. It is based on the identification and identification of a part of the antigen genome that can determine the level of specific markers, and also determines the degree of interaction between this antigen and the human immune system. The material may be serum or plasma, saliva or cerebrospinal fluid.

The ELISA test is the “gold standard” for laboratory diagnosis of acute infectious diseases. Confirmation of the significance and importance of ELISA consists of a number of characteristics: - high sensitivity