
The testes are the male reproductive glands that produce sperm and hormones. In humans, they are called testicles and are located in the scrotum.

The testes are oval in shape and covered with a dense membrane - the tunica albuginea. Inside the testis are the seminiferous tubules, which form a network in which sperm are produced.

The process of sperm formation occurs in the testicles, which begins with the division of germinal epithelial cells. The cells then migrate to the seminiferous tubules, where they grow and mature.

After maturation, sperm accumulate in vesicles called spermatids. The spermatids then fuse to form a spermatozoon.

The production of hormones such as testosterone occurs in Leydig cells, which are found in the testes. Testosterone plays an important role in the development of male reproductive organs and the formation of masculine body features.

Testicles play an important role in male reproductive function. They produce sperm, which are necessary to fertilize the egg. In addition, the testicles produce sex hormones that affect the development of male reproductive organs, hair growth and fat distribution.

If the testicle does not function properly, it can lead to infertility or other reproductive system problems. Therefore, it is important to monitor the health of your testicles and undergo regular examinations with a doctor.

Testes, also called testes or ovaries, are male reproductive organs that are essential for the production of sperm and other male reproductive cells. In this article we will look at what the testes are, how they work, and what diseases can arise due to their improper functioning.

The testes are one of the two reproductive organs of a man. Each testis is located in the scrotum, which is located between the penis and thigh. The scrotum serves as a storage place for the seminal glands and