Tetany Explicit

Hello dear readers! Today I want to tell you about apparent tetany, also known as Spasmophilia. We live in a world where technological advances and science help us make our lives easier by making it simpler. But sometimes they turn against us when unforeseen circumstances arise. One of these troubles is obvious tetany, which causes serious health problems and can even be fatal. In this article we will look at what overt tetany is and how to prevent it.

What is overt spasmophilia?

Overt tetany is a muscle spasm due to calcium deficiency in the body. This can happen at any time and poses a serious threat to human health. The main disorder with obvious tetation is spasm of skeletal muscles, which occurs in response to internal or external stimuli. At the same time, the muscles tense, contract, spasm, lose elasticity and mobility, and become painful. The typical symptom is sharp pain, followed by rapid paralysis of an arm or leg, followed by rhythmic muscle contractions. Muscle spasm is characterized by the appearance of lumps