Sclerosis Rheumatic

Rheumatic sclerosis is a systemic disease of connective tissue, which is based on focal lesions of the walls of small arteries and arterioles with primary sclerosis and the formation of fibrous-indurative plaques. Due to inflammatory phenomena in the walls of blood vessels, after a series of repeated attacks, deformation, calcification, thickening and stenosis of blood vessels quickly occur, accompanied by clinical manifestations of a local and systemic nature. Characterized by attacks of joint pain, increased body temperature, chills, fatigue, weight loss, increasing cardiac and respiratory failure. Manifestations of rheumatic pulmonary sclerosis: shortness of breath, dry cough, often in combination with cyanosis, which becomes permanent (constant blue discoloration of the lips and nail phalanges), lag of the shoulders from the back in a vertical position and expansion of the jugular cavities during inspiration, percussion - pulmonary sound, decreased elasticity