
A venogram is a graphic image of blood vessels that is used to diagnose and treat vein diseases. It allows doctors to see the condition of the veins and determine which areas need treatment or prevention.

A venogram can be performed using a variety of techniques, including ultrasound, x-ray, and computed tomography. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, so the doctor chooses the method that is most suitable for a particular patient.

One of the main advantages of a venogram is that it allows the doctor to see the condition of the veins in real time. This allows you to quickly diagnose diseases and begin treatment. In addition, a venogram can be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

However, the venogram also has some disadvantages. For example, it may be expensive and require special equipment. Also, phlebogram is not always available in small cities and towns.

Overall, a venogram is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of venous diseases. Its use allows doctors to quickly and accurately determine the condition of the veins and begin treatment. However, before doing a venogram, you should consult your doctor to determine how necessary it is in a particular case.

Phlebography is a study that allows you to visualize the deep venous vessels of the affected limb using x-rays. The study has no analogues in its diagnostic value. To obtain this image, the patient lies on a table and raises his leg above the level of his heart. In this position, blood accumulates in the dilated veins. As a result, phlebograms are obtained - that is, X-ray photographs of the vessel during its operation in its natural state. The examination involves the deep veins. Phlebography is performed mainly to detect pathological changes: blood clots, tumors, blockages. Phlebography is highly informative, since after the procedure the condition of the deep vessels of the patient’s extremities, or anastomosis, can be seen on the screen. Indications for phlebography: If during the examination there is a suspicion of abnormalities in the blood vessels of the legs. This study is also indicated in the presence of diseases such as thrombosis