Epulis Angiomatous

Epulis angiosmatosus is a benign neoplasm that manifests itself in the form of tissue growth around a tooth or gum. Typically, epulist angiomatosis occurs on the upper jaw, most often in adults. In some cases, diagnosis requires an x-ray or ultrasound.

The cause of angiosmatous epulist is traumatization from biting teeth (especially hard ones), the presence of pathological changes in the tissues of the oral cavity, for example, erosion, pigmentation, etc. The condition of the blood vessels in the affected area also plays an important role. This is why angiomatic epulists often bleed.

The main manifestations of angiosmatous epulism are profuse inflammation, increased bleeding, impaired chewing function, rapid destruction of healthy tooth tissue, sensitivity of organs adjacent to the affected tooth,