Tetrasomy [Etra- + (Chromo) Som]

Tetrasomy is polysemy (polysemy), in which a cell has four homologous chromosomes. The term "tetra" comes from the Greek word for "four", and the word "som" means "chromosome".

Tetrasomy can be caused by a variety of factors, including inherited diseases, mutations, and environmental exposures. For example, tetrasomy X can lead to Down syndrome, one of the most common chromosomal abnormalities in humans.

Symptoms of tetrasomy may include mental retardation, problems with growth and development, and other physical and mental disabilities. Treatment for tetrasomy depends on its cause and may include genetic testing, medical therapy, and social support.

It is important to note that tetrasomy is not a disease in the strict sense of the word, but can be a symptom of other genetic abnormalities. Therefore, if you suspect that you have tetrasomy, it is recommended that you consult a doctor for further examination and treatment.