The Magical Power of the Word

Over time, people have discovered that words have enormous magical powers. They can inspire and motivate, incite fear and hatred, inspire love and compassion, and have an impact on the environment.

One way to use the magical power of words is through spells. Spells contain phrases that strengthen the will of the speaker, and then a series of sounds affect the environment according to the meaning and purpose of the spell. Often in spells there are proper names of psychic beings or Kabbalistic names of God - the highest authority.

Hindu mantras and Ceremonial Magic spells have the same basis. The difference between them is that the mantra is usually composed in such a way that the combination of its sounds, when pronounced with a certain intonation, should produce vibrations of the ether, and through it more subtle vibrations of the material in which the astral arises. This material corresponds to the meaning of the mantra and should influence the physical plane and cause certain changes in it.

In love affairs, the word also plays a huge role. Men should always remember that in order to win the heart of the woman they love, they need to tell her compliments and nice things more often. Women, too, should not forget about what they can and cannot say to a man, so as not to cause him psychological trauma, especially at the moment of not entirely successful sexual intimacy. It must be remembered that even minor quarrels leave resentment in the recesses of the soul, which does not disappear without a trace after reconciliation, but accumulates gradually with each new conflict until it reaches a critical mass and destroys even the most ardent and passionate love to the ground.

In addition, there are other ways to use the magical power of words. For example, folk legend tells about the black fern or kochededzhnik, which breaks down on Midsummer's Day with special rituals and spells. The magical power, according to folk legend, lies in the color of the nomad. It blooms only on the night of Midsummer and is guarded by evil spirits.

According to sorcerers, the fern is abundantly saturated with magnetism, which reaches its greatest intensity around Midsummer - the time of ripening of the plant. Before midnight on Midsummer Day, you need to collect ferns, cast certain spells and rituals in order to obtain its magical power.

Words can also be used for healing. For example, Tibetan medicine uses mantras and meditation to treat various diseases. They help relieve stress and tension, improve mood and strengthen the immune system.

Healing also uses affirmations - positive statements that help change negative thinking and increase self-esteem. They can be spoken out loud or written down on paper and repeated several times a day to achieve the desired effect.

In conclusion, we can say that the magical power of the word really exists and can be used to achieve various goals - from healing to changing the environment. However, it must be remembered that words can both help and harm, so they must be used with caution and responsibility.