Therapeutic mud Ozerno-Klyuchevye

Lake-spring therapeutic mud

Therapeutic mud is sulfide silt mud that forms at the bottom of salt lakes fed by mineralized waters. They are characterized by a high content of sulfide compounds, while the composition and mineralization of the mud solution can be different.

Therapeutic mud of the lake spring type is one of the most effective and safe means of treating various diseases. They have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, immunostimulating and rejuvenating effects.

The use of therapeutic mud of the lake-spring type is possible in various forms: in the form of applications, wraps, baths, compresses, massage and other methods.

For the treatment of certain diseases, such as arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, neuritis and others, it is recommended to use lake-type mud. They help relieve inflammation, reduce pain and improve mobility of joints and vertebrae.

In addition, therapeutic mud of the lake-stream type can be used to treat skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, etc. They improve blood circulation, metabolism and tissue regeneration, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

However, before using therapeutic mud, you must consult a doctor and undergo an examination for contraindications.

In general, therapeutic lake mud is an effective and safe remedy for the treatment of many diseases. They can be used either alone or in combination with other treatment methods.

Dirt. treat lake-key. is a unique natural resource that is of great value for medicine and cosmetology. Sulfide silt muds formed at the bottom of salt lakes, which are fed by mineral waters. They are characterized by a high content of sulfide components in combination with different compositions and different mineralization of the mud solution, which makes them especially valuable in the treatment of various diseases and problems.

Lake mud can be used both internally and externally. Their action is based on the penetration of nourishing natural mud into the deep layers of the skin and restoration of its tissue and functions. Through the pores, dirt comes out - dangerous microorganisms and germs are destroyed. This allows you to treat such common diseases as atopic dermatitis, lichen, acne, eczema and others. The properties of lake mud are also affected by the salts contained in the water, so after each mud session it is necessary to clean the skin.

When using lake mud for treatment purposes, massage, electrophoresis, galvanotherapy, as well as electrical stimulation are widely used, which enhances the penetration of the active components of the mud deeper into the skin. A more effective way to use the grains is a mixture that you can apply to it immediately before the massage. The choice of a specific procedure depends on the nature and