Therapy Hemostatic

Hemostatic drugs are medications that are used to stop bleeding. They can be used both for the treatment of acute bleeding and for the prevention of postoperative bleeding.

Hemostatic agents can be divided into two groups:

  1. Coagulants are drugs that cause blood clotting. They are used to stop bleeding from small vessels. Such drugs include:

– Etamzilat
– Vikasol
– Aprotinin
– Fibrinogen
– Dicinon
– Ambien

  1. Adhesives are drugs that promote tissue adhesion. They are used for major bleeding, such as soft tissue injuries, bone fractures, and vascular surgery. These drugs include:

– Adroxon
– Octocog alpha
– Menadione sodium bisulfite
– Epsilon-aminocaproic acid

Before using hemostatic drugs, it is necessary to examine the patient and determine the cause of bleeding. Only after this can you choose the appropriate drug and determine its dose.

Hemostatic drugs are medications that are used to stop bleeding. There are two types of bleeding: internal and external. External hemorrhages are most often stopped as a result of proper bandaging or bandaging, but stopping internal hemorrhages requires either surgical intervention or the use of hemostatic drugs (usually as prescribed by a doctor). Hemostatic agents not only minimize the risk of severe bleeding, but also minimize the duration of bleeding by an average of 2-3 hours. I will describe the main functions of hemostatic agents and describe their effect on the body.

**Indications for use:** Stops internal and external bleeding from superficial capillaries within the muscle or mucous layer. Stimulates blood clotting. Limits the area of ​​bleeding. Reduces the traumatic effect of injury (optimizes the edges of the wound, prevents blood leakage and further tissue trauma). Reduces the effect of the blood-reducing effect of the anesthetic. Maintains blood clotting at the required level in situations requiring measurement of platelet reaction rate analysis.

**Mechanism of action:** As mentioned above - hemostatics stop external and internal bleeding, support coagulation, optimize wound edges, reduce friction and trauma