Sacrococcygeal ligament Ventral

The ventral sacrococcygeal ligament (l. sacrococcygeum ventrale) is one of the ligaments connecting the sacrum and coccyx. It is located on the back surface of the sacrum and coccyx, and connects them to each other. The ligament is made up of fibrous structures that provide stability and stability to the sacral spine and coccyx.

The ventral sacrococcygeal ligament plays an important role in maintaining correct posture and stability of the sacrococcygeal spine. It is also involved in creating space for the passage of nerves and blood vessels, as well as in transmitting force and movement between the sacrum and coccyx.

In case of injuries or diseases of the sacrococcygeal region associated with damage or dysfunction of the sacrococcygeal ligaments, pain, discomfort and limitation of movement may occur. In such cases, surgery may be required to restore the integrity of the ligament or replace it.

However, in general, the ventral sacrococcygeal ligament is an important element of the musculoskeletal system and plays an important role in ensuring human health and well-being.

The ventral sacrocoival ligament (Ligament of Bassiick) is a large ligament that is located between the sacrum and coccyx. The Bassick ligament connects both bones of the pelvis, holding them together and supporting the skeletal structure.

It also plays an important role in maintaining body balance and achieving correct sitting or standing posture. Under normal conditions, this ligament primarily allows the pelvis to flex, tilt backward, and move laterally.

However, if this ligament is weakened or torn, it can lead to various problems. Some of these may include pain in the lower back and sacrum, stiffness in movement, and instability when bending or turning the body.

To strengthen the Bassicki ligament, it may help to perform certain exercises aimed at improving muscle strength in this area. These exercises will help strengthen the muscles in your hips, buttocks, and legs, which improves pelvic support and reduces the likelihood of injury.

In addition, maintaining correct posture, maintaining good physical shape and regular exercise can help maintain and strengthen the Bassico ligament.