Novocaine Blockade Presacral

Novocaine presacral blockade: an effective method of treating proctitis, paraproctitis and anal fissures


Novocaine presacral block (N.b.p.) is a procedure in which a solution of novocaine is injected onto the anterior surface of the sacrum. This method is used in the treatment of proctitis, paraproctitis and anal fissures. N.b.p. is an effective way to relieve pain and restore the health of patients suffering from these diseases. In this article we will look at the main aspects of this procedure and its advantages.

Proctitis, paraproctitis and anal fissures

Proctitis, paraproctitis and anal fissures are common problems associated with the rectum and surrounding tissue. Proctitis is an inflammation of the rectum that can be caused by various factors such as infection, injury or inflammatory bowel disease. Paraproctitis is an inflammation of the tissues around the rectum, and anal fissures are small tears in the lining of the anus, often resulting from injury or chronic constipation.

Symptoms of these diseases may include pain, discomfort, bleeding and bowel dysfunction. Treatment may include conservative methods such as the use of topical medications and lifestyle changes, but in some cases procedural interventions may be required, including presacral novocaine blockade.

Novocaine blockade presacral

N.b.p. is a form of local anesthesia in which a solution of novocaine is injected onto the anterior surface of the sacrum. The sacrum is a triangular bone located at the bottom of the spine and is the junction of five fused vertebrae. The introduction of novocaine onto the anterior surface of the sacrum allows one to achieve pain relief and reduce inflammation in the rectal area.

The procedure for novocaine presacral blockade is usually performed by a coloproctologist or an anesthesiologist. The patient is usually in the lateral or prone position. After local anesthesia in the area of ​​needle insertion, a novocaine solution is injected into the tissue of the anterior surface of the sacrum. This allows you to achieve analgesia and improve the patient's condition.

Advantages of novocaine presacal blockade

Novocaine presacral blockade has several advantages that make it an attractive method for treating these diseases. Firstly, due to the local administration of anesthetic, the procedure is relatively safe and has few complications. The second advantage is that novocaine presacral block can provide rapid and effective analgesia, reducing pain and discomfort in patients. In addition, the blockade helps reduce inflammation in the rectal area, which promotes faster healing and tissue restoration.


Novocaine presacral blockade is an effective method for treating proctitis, paraproctitis and anal fissures. It allows you to achieve analgesia, reduce inflammation and improve the condition of patients. The procedure is safe, low risk of complications and quick recovery. If symptoms associated with proctitis, paraproctitis or anal fissures occur, it is recommended to contact a qualified medical specialist to assess the condition and the possibility of conducting a novocaine presacral blockade.

The presented article describes presacral novocaine blockade as an effective method of treating proctitis, paraproctitis and anal fissures. She emphasizes the benefits of this procedure and its importance in relieving pain and restoring patients' health. However, before undertaking this procedure, it is necessary to consult with a medical specialist to assess the indications, contraindications and possible risks.

Novocaine blockade for the treatment of proctological diseases

Novocaine blockades are usually performed by experienced doctors or qualified nurses in a proctologist's office or diagnostic center. Here's a quick explanation of the procedure for beginners. To make a block, the doctor uses a syringe and needle that are specifically designed for this task. They enter the anterior surface of the sacral canal, where the necessary nerve endings are located. - Why use this procedure? The rarely used novocaine blockade method has several advantages over other methods of therapy. These benefits include: * Reduced pain * Restricted movement * Reduced inflammation Typically, these procedures are completed in a few minutes either during a self-care procedure or under general anesthesia. However, an experienced doctor can do this quietly and quickly so that the patient does not feel any discomfort. How is the procedure performed? This is a relatively simple procedure, but can cause discomfort and discomfort. * The doctor inserts a needle into the area of ​​the sacrococcygeal canal. The needle is placed through the skin and muscle, then through the bony canal until it reaches the sacral foramen. When you press the syringe with the novocaine solution, a small lunge is made. * Approximately one to two milliliters of liquid is injected at a right angle towards the armchair opening. The liquid can be felt or imperceptible - it all depends on the exact depth of the blockade

During the procedure usually