Vein Brachiocephalic Right

The vein of the brachiocephalic right branch is part of the human vascular system and is one of the most significant vessels arising from the superior vena cava. It connects the shoulder area to the brain, allowing blood and nutrients to be transported between these two organs. The article will discuss the description of this vein, its anatomy, functions and role in human health.

The anatomy of the right brachiocephalic vessel begins with the origin of the right main bronchial vein into the brachial joint. This vein takes the name vena brachialis and penetrates the muscle tissue of the shoulder and arm, thus connecting the area of ​​the trunk with the skin of the arm. Having reached the surface of the skin, this vein opens into the inner surface of the elbow joint and continues its path through the lateral canal of the elbow. Next, the right brachiocephalic vessel leaves the elbow area and joins the system of the sternum and head. Here it enters the angle formed by the corner of the greater and lesser elements of the sternum, after