
Title of the article: "The influence of thermodynamics on the manufacturing process of products"

Thermodynamics is one of the fundamental sciences that studies the laws of conservation and change of energy in the process of various phenomena. It plays an important role not only in physics, but also in other sciences and


One of the most interesting phenomena in physics is the study of the process of heat transfer, also called heat transfer. This process is an important area of ​​research as it has wide applications in various fields of industry, science and technology. In this article we will look at the basics of thermodynamics, which is the fundamental basis for the analysis and control of this process.

Thermodynamics studies the fundamental laws that govern the distribution and movement of energy in a closed system. It can be applied to solve a wide range of problems related to heat transfer, such as determining the rate of heat transfer between two bodies, calculating the required amount of heat to heat or cool a system, etc.

The key concept in terminology is temperature. It is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a physical object. When a body comes into contact with other objects, the kinetic energy of the moving particles in each object loses its connection with one object and transfers to another. That is, every time a body loses energy as a result of exchange with another body, it cools, and the body receiving energy heats up. Thus, the result of the exchange will depend on the initial temperature of each of the interacting bodies. One of the basic laws of thermodynamics is the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only can change from one form to another. This means that the overall body system or other object must maintain its average kinetic energy on a constant basis. In thermodynamics, there are two methods of energy exchange - thermal conduction and convection. The first method is associated with the transfer of energy through contact with solid bodies. For example, if a person takes a metal part and heats it up, then this energy is simply transferred from the part to the person through the interface between these bodies. Convection refers to the movement of a liquid or gas that occurs as a result of temperature and pressure gradients in which molecules and atoms collide and exchange energy. As a result of such metabolic processes, bodies can heat up or cool down, depending on the amount of energy transferred. In this case, the mass of the object is always transferred and sometimes the mass of the bodies participating in the exchange changes. For example, when the air temperature in a room changes, its volume may change, and when the gas pressure changes, gas may be released from the vessel. To account for such changes in thermodynamic models, it is necessary to use the concept of gas pressure and volume. It is also important to understand the relationship between pressure, volume and temperature of an ideal gas. The law of conservation of entropy is another fundamental concept in thermodynamics, which shows how chaotic a system will be after a certain period of time. Entropy measures how much energy has been lost by a system. The more dispersed the energy is in a system, the greater the entropy will be. However, note that the entropy of a system never decreases or increases on its own. The law of conservation states that it can only decrease or remain constant