Thethenic Personality Warehouse

A sthenic personality type is a personality type that is characterized by high vital tone (cheerfulness), increased mental activity (energy), stability of will and aspirations (commitment), as well as high self-esteem (self-confidence).

People with a sthenic personality usually have a high level of energy and motivation, they strive to achieve their goals and objectives, and are not afraid of difficulties and challenges. They can be very sociable and open-minded, but they can also be persistent and tenacious in achieving their goals.

The sthenic personality type can manifest itself in both men and women, but it is usually more pronounced in men. People with a sthenic personality often have high self-esteem, which can lead to a feeling of confidence in themselves and their abilities.

However, a sthenic personality can also have its drawbacks. People with this personality type may be prone to impulsiveness and risk-taking, which can lead to problems in their personal and professional lives. They may also have difficulty establishing a work-life balance.

In general, a sthenic personality is a positive quality that can help a person achieve success in life. However, it is important to remember that each person is unique, and their personality may have its own characteristics and nuances.

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A sthenic personality type or a personality type with high vital tone and high self-confidence is stable, but not completely mentally passive

Personality types with such characteristics have good health and can easily overcome stressful situations. Usually such people achieve the result they dreamed of (according to the law of interaction of attitudes and stereotypes). Without health and material wealth, it is impossible to build a strong family or generally live life for your own pleasure. Such a character usually experiences restrictions from others since childhood - we were humiliated, belittled, insulted, maybe there was something worse