Thumb Symptom

Thumb sign

What is it and how can it manifest itself?

The thumb symptom is one of the many medical characteristics of the well-known ankylosing spondylitis, an inflammatory joint disease that often affects the spine and joints of the hands and feet. This condition is characterized by inflammation, arthritis, or inflammation of the phalanges.

The thumb (or index) finger sign (SIS) is one of the most common and informative tests for diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This is a test that is used to check for symptoms in a patient suspected of having RA. Researchers note that RA patients experience shortened thumb flexion when attempting to place the thumb on a table, resulting in a characteristic lateral deviation of the thumb. The thumb test (also known as the Bekhterev-Halen test) was named after the Russian researcher academician Alexei Bekhterev.