
Tamycin is an antibiotic drug that is used to treat infectious diseases. The name of the drug comes from the Greek word "thymi" - thyme. Tamycin can also be called the thyme plant, which contains essential oils.

The main component of the drug Tamycin is the antibiotic Cefpyramide. It is also the main component of a number of other antibiotics: Ceporin, Ebertin, Gentamicin and others. Cefpiride treats infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug. These antibacterial drugs are the third generation of cephalosporins, which also include the antibiotics of the "Sparex", "Aksetin" series, etc. In particular, Tseporin is a very powerful drug that is included in the international recommendations for the treatment of invasive urogenital mycoplasmosis. Not long ago, I also found information that the drug Tseporin is effective even in the treatment of mycocryocystitis in animals. Just like a colleague in misfortune, I was suffering from my recent pharyngitis, which was 15 years old and, apparently, it turned out to be correct. So, this is usually treated with Ceporin (ceftriaxone), although other cephalosporins (Sinupret Forte, Sinupret, etc.) are often prescribed.