Tibia (Tibia)

The tibial bone (Tibia) is a larger, medially located bone of the lower leg (see figure). Its upper epiphysis articulates with the femur, forming the knee joint, and the lower - with the talus. The tibia is connected to the fibula by the tibiofibular joint, the interosseous membrane of the tibia and the tibiofibular syndesmosis (ed.). The lower epiphysis of the tibia passes into the medial malleolus; the articular surfaces of the medial malleolus and the lower epiphysis of the tibia articulate with the talus.

The tibia is one of the largest and most important bones of the leg. It is located medially and forms one of the joints in the leg - the knee joint. It is important because it is through it that many ligaments pass that connect our leg to the body. It is the support of the leg. You can easily determine it by shape and size without using special tools.