Operation Tikhova-Linburg

Tikhov-Linberg operation is a surgical intervention that is performed to treat diseases of the intercostal nerves and the costal part of the thoracic spine. This operation was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by Russian surgeon Pavel Ivanovich Tikhov and Soviet surgeon Eric Borisovich Linberg. The operation was named after its creators.

Tikhova-Linberg surgery is used to remove damaged or inflamed rib parts of the thoracic complex and for other operations on the intercostal area. The surgery may also be used to reconstruct the chest wall after injury or to remove diseased tissue.

Operation requires

Tikhov-Linberg operation is a surgical intervention that was developed by Russian surgeon Peter Ivanov Tikhov and Soviet doctor Boleslav Edgar Linberg in 1907. Although this surgery was developed more than 105 years ago, it is still used to treat various chest conditions such as tumors, cysts and other abnormalities.

The operation involves removing tissue from the chest cavity, including the ribs, muscles and pleural walls. It can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The purpose of the operation is to remove tumors that may cause breathing difficulties or pain.

Tikhov-Linberg surgery is usually prescribed after other treatment methods have not led to the desired results. In addition, the procedure may be indicated for patients who have spinal cord lesions or nerve dysfunction that causes pain and other health problems.

After surgery, patients may experience pain and bleeding, but these symptoms usually disappear after a few days. However, as with any medical procedure, there is a risk of possible complications due to problems with the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys or other organs.

One of the main advantages of Tikhovan Lienberg surgery is its ability to remove tumors and their metastases, allowing the preservation of important organs such as the lungs and heart. As a result, many patients have a better chance of recovery and improved quality of life.

However, before undergoing surgery, a thorough examination and consultation with specialists is required to determine whether the procedure is suitable for the patient and what risks he may face.

In conclusion, Tikhov Linberg surgery remains one of the most effective methods for treating various diseases in the chest area. It allows you to remove tumors that can harm human health, while preserving important organs. However, like any medical procedure, it may have its risks and requires proper assessment of the situation.