
Thyroma is a rare benign tumor of the respiratory tract with one or more so-called “lobules” (mts), located in the mediastinum or interintestinal space. This tumor is commonly known as thymofibrosis, and its typical cause is an improper response of the immune system to bacteria. The disease is more common in children, so doctors have very low statistics on cases of thymoma in adult patients.

Among women, there is a clear predominance of this pathology. Thyroma is quite rare, and doctors usually do not encounter it in their practice. This is due to the fact that most of them are non-malignant neoplasms. In addition, they are known in medicine, and scientists regularly find new ways to treat the disease. Due to the rare occurrence of thyroma, there is no separate section or chapter for it in specialized books for doctors. However, we cannot completely refuse to discuss this tumor.

Regarding the occurrence of thyromas in childhood, there is one more point that I would like to discuss. The fact is that