
Thyroidectomy: main aspects and application

Thyroidectomy is a surgical operation that involves removing the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is an endocrine organ that is located in the front of the neck and plays an important role in regulating the body's metabolism. Surgical removal of the thyroid gland may be necessary in cases where the gland becomes swollen, contains tumor, or produces too much or too little thyroid hormone.

Thyroidectomy can be performed in two ways: complete and partial. In a total thyroidectomy, the entire thyroid gland is removed, while in a partial thyroidectomy, only part of it is removed. A partial thyroidectomy may be necessary in cases where the tumor is in only one lobe of the thyroid gland, or when only the part of the gland that is causing the problem needs to be removed.

In addition, depending on the reason for the surgery, a subtotal thyroidectomy may be performed. This removes approximately 90% of the thyroid gland. Subtotal thyroidectomy may be used to treat thyrotoxicosis, which is characterized by excessive secretion of thyroid hormones.

After a thyroidectomy, the patient may experience a number of symptoms such as pain in the neck

Thyroidectomy is a surgical operation that involves removing the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is an endocrine organ that is located in the neck and is responsible for producing hormones that regulate metabolism and body functions. Surgery can be performed for various reasons, such as thyroid cancer, thyroid nodules, hyperthyroidism and other diseases.

A partial thyroidectomy is an operation in which only part of the thyroid gland is removed, while a subtotal thyroidectomy removes approximately 90% of the gland. Subtotal thyroidectomy is used to treat thyrotoxicosis, which is caused by excess production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland. With this disease, the production of hormones increases, which leads to an acceleration of metabolism and other disorders in the body.

Thyroidectomy surgery is performed under general anesthesia and may require hospitalization for several days. After surgery, the patient may experience some problems such as neck pain, voice changes and thyroid dysfunction. Some patients may require thyroid hormone replacement therapy after surgery.

As with any surgery, thyroidectomy is not without risks. Possible complications may include bleeding, infection, damage to surrounding tissue, and other problems. However, in most cases, thyroidectomy surgery is a safe and effective procedure that helps patients get rid of thyroid disease and improve their quality of life.

In conclusion, thyroidectomy is a surgical procedure that can be performed for various reasons related to thyroid disease. Partial thyroidectomy and subtotal thyroidectomy are two surgical options that may be used depending on your specific situation. Patients scheduled for thyroidectomy should discuss the risks and benefits of surgery with their doctor.

Thyroidomastia is a goiter, a diffuse non-toxic increase in the function of the thyroid gland, which is an endocrine gland and produces thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland produces thyroidin (triiodothyronine, thyroxine), which are important for the regulation of metabolism

Thyroid surgery – surgical intervention for the thyroid gland – thyroidecthyma and its types. The thyroid gland or thyroid gland is an organ located on the front surface of the neck. The gland secretes thyroid hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Hormones regulate metabolism in the body. The thyroid gland does not need to be removed without good reason. The main ones are: abnormal growth of glandular tissue, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism (impaired hormone production), diffuse or toxic goiter, nodular goiter. It is worth knowing that only a qualified doctor can give you the correct diagnosis. After all, it is also based on the results of ultrasound, blood tests and other studies. Typically, the removed thyroid gland retains its function to replenish the level of iodine deficiency in the tissues that remain after its removal.