Points for leeches photo

How to completely and permanently get rid of varicose veins!

Varicose veins cause serious complications and consequences. There is a way that helps to get rid of varicose veins forever. read MORE

What is hirudotherapy, suction points of leeches, diagrams and description of the procedure for varicose veins, hemorrhoids, for weight loss and for joints. Indications for the use of the procedure, what are the benefits and harms of leeches, how does it help with thrombophlebitis, arthrosis and other diseases. Reviews from doctors and patients.

Hirudotherapy - what is it?

Hirudotherapy is a treatment using leeches. They stick to the skin and bite. Through it, leeches are saturated with blood.

For best results, use leeches that have not eaten for 5 months. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve a positive result.

Benefits and harms

Leech treatment has been practiced for many years. This procedure helps improve blood circulation, cope with inflammation, and improve immunity.

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Leeches are used in the treatment of a number of diseases.

Harm can only be caused if the rules are not followed and contraindications are ignored. This can lead to bleeding, which is dangerous to health.

Indications for use

There are indications for starting hirudotherapy. The use of leeches for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis is widespread.

This procedure may be prescribed for the following problems:

  1. pain in the spine;
  2. hypertonic disease;
  3. migraine and headache;
  4. radiculitis;
  5. prostatitis;
  6. diseases of the organs of vision;
  7. skin diseases;
  8. inflammation of the female genitourinary system;
  9. diabetes;
  10. lung diseases;
  11. problems related to metabolism.

The procedure gives good results for diseases of the gallbladder, prostatitis and osteochondrosis. Leeches are useful for the intestines and the endocrine system. This procedure is not suitable for all people.


There are also main contraindications:

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  1. Poor blood clotting.
  2. Allergy.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Breast-feeding.
  5. Low pressure.
  6. Oncological diseases.

In order to get only benefits from leeches, you must first undergo a series of tests and get recommendations from doctors.

Atlas on hirudotherapy

Leech treatment has been popular for a long time. Now there is a special atlas that helps you become familiar with the proper placement of annelids depending on the disease.

This does not mean that you should self-medicate.

Only a specialist will be able to accurately and quickly place leeches and carry out the procedure according to the rules.

Suction points for the first time: schemes for placing leeches

Some people decide to undergo the procedure for preventive purposes. In this case, you should start with the liver area. This will help cleanse the body and set it up for proper functioning.

In subsequent sessions, it is recommended to plant leeches in the sacral area, on the legs and near the navel. The specialist will select a scheme for the client that meets individual needs and ensures a positive result.

In gynecology

Women have to deal with gynecological problems throughout their lives. The use of leeches will help alleviate the condition.

It should be placed in the sacral region, liver area, anus, directly in the vagina.

The peculiarity is that after saturation, the leeches fall off on their own, so there is no reason to worry that they may remain inside.

Setting points for weight loss

Leeches are a popular weight loss option. Thanks to the substances contained in the saliva of worms, metabolism accelerates.

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Recommended sites for annelid worms include the following areas: sacrum, navel, liver, pancreas, colon intestines.

Hirudotherapy in cosmetology on legs

Leeches for cosmetic purposes can be placed on the lower limbs.

It is advisable to do this in a checkerboard pattern along the veins.

In this case, you should not place leeches on the inner thighs, as this can lead to severe arterial bleeding.

Obesity is a modern problem. One of the options for combating fat deposits is hirudotherapy.

  1. stomach;
  2. sacrum;
  3. heart area;
  4. center of forehead;
  5. parietal region;
  6. base of the neck.

Regularly performing this procedure helps to get rid of fat sediments.

On the face at home

Some women have heard that the condition of their facial skin improves. However, do not rush and use this method at home.

The suction of leeches is accompanied by trauma to the skin, after which marks remain on the face.

Therefore, the scheme involves placing annelids behind the ears and on the scalp.

Positive dynamics have been proven. Leeches cope with inflammation, spasms, improve blood circulation and increase local immunity.

To obtain results, annelids must be placed in the area of ​​the sacrum, perineum, anus, and ovaries.

After 2 courses, a positive result from the procedures is observed.

Leeches are also placed on the hands, for example, for arthrosis. The area of ​​installation depends on the location of the disease. If you have problems with your hands, it is recommended to seek the help of a hirudotherapist.

Osteoarthritis is a disease that negatively affects the joints. In this case, leeches help cope with unpleasant sensations and help normalize the amount of nutrients entering the joints.

To improve your well-being with arthrosis, you need to place leeches around the problem joint. Already after the first procedure, improvements are observed.

For hemorrhoids, it is recommended to place leeches in the anus. It is possible that the worm can crawl inside, but it will get out on its own, having had its fill.

The diagram indicates that the leech should be placed over the inflamed vein. This will help avoid heavy bleeding.

For herpes, it is recommended to place leeches directly on the affected area. The diagrams provide zones along the spine, since each place there is projection some kind of organ.

Thrombophlebitis is a serious disease. Treatment requires consultation with a doctor. Leeches are one of the methods of combating blood clots. For treatment, they are placed on the human body according to a diagram.

The main places are:

  1. The anterior surface of the lower leg.
  2. Caviar.
  3. Back of the thighs.

Leeches should be planted at a distance of 2 cm from the vein. This will improve blood circulation and avoid bleeding.

Joint pain is a common problem among adults. Medical leeches can improve the situation.

They provide good results at an early stage of the disease.

It's important to know where to bet. Leeches are placed around the problem joint. The number of annelids is determined individually. The therapeutic effect has been proven and appears after the first session.

Many parents have to deal with the fact that the child either during pregnancy or during childbirth experienced a lack of oxygen. Dealing with the effects of hypoxia can be difficult.

One of the methods is hirudotherapy. Leeches can be prescribed to children up to one year old. In any case, the procedure should only be carried out by a specialist and after the recommendations of the attending physician.

More often, people turn to leeches for varicose veins. Constant discomfort, swelling, pain interfere with leading an active lifestyle.

After the course there are improvements.

To do this, it is enough to regularly place leeches along the problem veins. staggered, avoiding the inner thighs.

Where should you not place leeches?

There are places where placing leeches is strictly prohibited:

Leeches help in the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases. To do this, it is recommended to place it in the perineum. It is enough for them to stick to the pubic area.

In this case, leeches often crawl directly into the vagina. This is not dangerous, since they will come out on their own, saturated with blood.

It is important that such a procedure is carried out by a specialist. Only correct and hygienic installation of leeches will give a positive result.

Prices in Moscow, St. Petersburg

The price for the Hirudotherapy procedure is divided into 2 points:

  1. Consultation and work of a doctor.
  2. Price per leech.

There are other options. If you register on the site, you can get a discount on leeches. Free or cheap consultation. First free session. The procedure can be assessed as a whole.

In Moscow the course is from examination, consultation, work and leeches costs the client from 1800 to 3000 rubles. The price depends on the popularity of the clinic.

In St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) you need to find promotions in clinics. You can get a discount of up to 50%. The cost is approximately 1500 - 2500 rubles.

Go for the procedure to a medical institution you trust.

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Check the availability of certificates regarding the specialist’s training and the quality of leeches. The procedure must be performed efficiently, the result depends on it.

At the dawn of civilization, traditional healers noticed that serious illnesses - headaches, fainting, dizziness - suddenly disappeared with nosebleeds. The general condition of those suffering unexpectedly improved from accidental wounds or prolonged bleeding after bloodsucking while crossing rivers. Already in the distant past, attention was drawn to the fact that diseases “went away” when black worms stuck to the legs, and then blood appeared. Subsequently, many nationalities even developed a cult - on certain holidays they “let blood” in various ways in order to sacrifice it in order to prolong the family, life, relieve pain conditions, and improve their health. For this purpose, various means were used - metal spears, knives and even hewn and sharpened wooden sticks. The preference of choice was given to birch, oak and fir.

Preparation of leeches for hirudotherapy

For hirudotherapy, medicinal leeches are purchased from biofactories or pharmacies that have a pharmacological certificate and a license to sell them. It is prohibited to use a leech repeatedly for medicinal purposes.

The selection of leeches is carried out 5-6 hours before the procedure. Leeches should be mobile, active, dark brown in color, without mucus. Place them in another container with dechlorinated water at 20-22°C. Foreign odors (perfumes, colognes, iodine, chloramine, etc.) are excluded. Before the procedure, the doctor’s (nurse’s) skin should not contain creams, lotions, iodine preparations, or scented or scented soaps. Immediately before starting treatment, the leech must be washed 2-3 times with settled and filtered water. Then place it in a sterile or boiled Petri dish and close the lid.

It must be remembered that the leech is not a night hunter. Attacks humans and animals during the day. Therefore, it is best to apply the leech in the morning and on sunny days. Rational time is 11-16 hours. Do not prescribe procedures during cloudy or stormy times. The ideal season for hirudotherapy is spring and summer, but this does not mean that leech cannot be used in autumn and winter.

Preparing a patient for hirudotherapy

The patient's skin in the area where leeches are applied is treated with a 70% alcohol solution. Then they allow it to evaporate for 2-3 minutes. Since the intercellular spaces of the skin are filled with alcohol residues, the leech is sensitive and may not bite through the skin. Afterwards, the skin should be rinsed with distilled water or a 5% glucose solution. The leech is usually placed in a test tube or antibiotic bottle and applied to the desired location. In special cases, the application site is pierced with a sterile needle until a drop appears and a leech is placed. If it is inactive, it is replaced.

Suction of leeches

It is not recommended to apply leeches to places with loose subcutaneous tissue (the eye socket, scrotum) in order to avoid extensive hematomas. It is strictly forbidden to place leeches on the area of ​​tortuous and varicose veins (especially thinned ones) and on the navel.

Free suction selection method can be “dry” and in water. “Dry”, when the leech is placed on the human body, where it moves freely along the skin surface until it “chooses” the site of the bite. In water - the patient was placed in a trough, a bath of water, then leeches were lowered into it, which swam freely and “found” the necessary suction points. Cases are described when the suspected bite site was “washed with milk” or “with the blood of a young pigeon.”

Hirudotherapy without bleeding:

  1. Abuladze (the leech is removed immediately after biting the skin and releasing the secretion of the salivary glands).
  2. Hirudo-ju therapy (after applying Hirudo medicinalis according to Abuladze and removing the leeches, cauterization is used in this area - an ironing or pecking method).
  3. The method of hirudo-vacuum therapy (after a leech bite and the release of salivary gland secretions) is placed in medical cups.

Hirudotherapy with hemorrhage:

  1. A method of free choice of hemorrhage (when a leech is transferred to the human body and it searches for a site of suction).
  2. The method of applying leeches until complete saturation (until spontaneous cessation of bleeding - falling off).
  3. Method of dosed hemorrhage (when it is interrupted after 10-15 minutes of saturation).
  4. Method of vacuum and leech hemorrhage (after suction of the leech, jars are placed on the area where the leeches are located).
  5. The method of post-vacuum hemorrhage (when a leech is applied after removing the medical cups).
  6. Method of leech-vacuum hemorrhage (after the leech is saturated and falls off, medical cups are placed).
  7. The method of cigar-leech hemorrhage (leeches are applied to the place where a Chinese cigar is heated using the ironing or pecking method (to expand the capillaries and increase blood flow to the surface of the skin).
  8. Method of needle-leech hemorrhage (leeches are applied to the acupuncture site).
  9. Method of transleech hemorrhage (after applying a leech, during the period of its active saturation, its body is cut in the middle or end segments. Then covered with sterile cotton wool (absorb the blood). The latter method is not very aesthetic, but it eliminates the need to apply a large number of leeches for the purpose of hemorrhage.

How many leeches to apply for what time

At the beginning of a treatment session, there is always the question of assigning the number of leeches. The doctor must decide for what purpose he should carry out hirudotherapy. For the purpose of unloading blood flow, thrombolytic effect or complex treatment, for the purpose of reflex action? Recommendations vary from a few seconds (Abuladze) to 20-30-60 minutes. We recommend an exposure of 15 minutes, for somatic diseases and keloid scars - 25-30 minutes. There is no consensus on the number of leeches. Avicenna recommended prescribing medicinal leeches in an amount of 3-5-8 pieces per session. A number of researchers believe that 1-2-3-5 leeches can be prescribed per session, others - 10-12-20. In our opinion, there is no need to use large quantities of Hirudo medicinalis. A completely therapeutic effect is provided by 1-5 leeches in one session. There is no unity in the interval of sessions. Our practical experience has determined, taking into account hemostasis (blood clotting time, prothrombin time, bleeding time), that it is best to prescribe hirudotherapy 2-3 times over 7-10 days.

There are several ways to remove leeches

  1. Until completely saturated (the leech disappears on its own).
  2. Forced interruption, when a cotton swab soaked in alcohol is applied to the leech’s head area, or a salt crystal is placed.

After hirudotherapy, the bite site must be treated with an alcohol pad for injections and the wound must be covered with a sterile pressure bandage. Used leech must be disposed of. To do this, it is placed in a tray or other container with a 1% chloramine solution until the segmental muscles are completely immobilized and relaxed and disposed of.

Schemes for applying leeches

Observant healers paid attention to the fact that Hirudo medicinalis, when attacking a person in the water, attached itself in certain places. Subsequently, these bleeding wounds became the site of bloodletting and the application of leeches. For a long time, specialists have developed schemes for applying leeches for many diseases. Thus, the “classical” places for applying leeches in many pathological conditions have become recognized (Scheme No. 1).

Photo. Classic scheme for applying leeches (scheme No. 1)

Traditional doctors of the East - China - as early as 2500 BC. identified special energy lines and points on the human body. They became very important points for hirudotherapy (scheme No. 2).

One of the modern achievements of Chinese specialists is a new method of acupuncture - scalp therapy. The treatment consists of inserting needles into the zones corresponding to the centers of the cerebral cortex, represented by lines, parallel to them, for certain diseases (diagram No. 3). In order to have a reflex effect on various areas of the brain, Russian doctors proposed a method of placing leeches in the area of ​​these lines for neurological disorders, hypertension, and post-traumatic traumatic brain conditions.

Photo. Needle insertion zones (diagram 3)
  1. motor area
  2. sensitive area
  3. zone of inhibition of chorea and tremor
  4. vasoconstriction zone
  5. area of ​​dizziness and tinnitus
  6. second speech zone
  7. third speech zone
  8. pelvic function area
  9. movement sensation zone
  10. field of view
  11. equilibrium zone
  12. stomach area
  13. chest cavity area
  14. genital area
  15. liver and gall bladder area
  16. intestinal zone
  17. nose and throat area
  18. rest zone
  19. epilepsy inhibition zone
  20. zone of one-sided blindness
  21. madness containment zone
  22. center point
  23. parietal tubercle
  24. point between eyebrows
  25. point in the middle of the lower edge of the external occipital protuberance


For a long time in Tibet, Mongolia, and the Middle East, doctors and traditional healers in most cases carried out treatments with mandatory bloodletting. Hemorrhage was usually used in specific locations. Mongolian medical monuments of antiquity, there are 36 main blood vessels for bloodletting (Table 1), and treatment is best carried out in spring or summer, in clear weather and in the morning. Hirudotherapy may well be used for the purpose of bleeding.

Table 1. The main elements of traditional Tibetan bloodletting (Quoted from V.A. Tarnuev, G.T. Namsaraeva “Bleeding in Traditional Eastern Medicine”, 1995) 1 imag = 1 tsun

Name Place of bloodletting Location of vessels
Parietal vessel Four fingers above the front hairline along the midline of the head Along the midline of the forehead, up
Vessels of the “golden and silver spear” Above the middle of the eyebrow by one image* Continuation of the facial vein; on the left is a “golden spear”, on the right is a “silver spear”
Nasal vessel Under the tip of the nose Vessels running from the upper lip to the nose
Vessel of the eye At the edge of the outer end of the eyebrow A divergent vessel running upward from the anterior edge of the ear
Temporal vessel Above the ear, at the edge of the hair Prominent temporal vessel
Ear vessel, from the face Anterior to the ear opening Continuation of the cervical vessel anteriorly
Auricular vessel, from the back of the head Posterior to the ear opening one imago Continuation of the cervical vessel posteriorly
Jugular vessel No bloodletting is performed No bloodletting is performed
Vessel of teeth At the end of the lower jaw Pulsating vessel of the lower jaw
Nuchal vessel From the occipital fossa in both directions one image and up three fingers Vessel running on both sides of the occipital protuberance
Brachial vessel Four fingers below the shoulder joint The vessel goes from the fossa of the elbow upward and outward
Superior ulnar vessel From the end of the elbow four fingers higher Branch coming from the vessels of the elbow
Vessel of the beginning of the elbow Four fingers above the elbow, towards the internal epicondyle Branch coming from the vessels of the elbow
Vessel of hollow organs From the fold of the elbow slightly outward Ulnar vessel of hollow organs
Vessel of "bile" Slightly below and medially from the fold of the elbow Continuation of two thick vessels coming from the wrist
Vessel of "yellow water" Six fingers below the crease of the elbow
Vessel "bad-kan" Closer to the inside of the arm in the middle of the distance from the elbow to the hand
Pulmonary-cardiac connecting vessel Six fingers above the fold formed by the union of the thumb and index finger The junction of the vessel of the hollow organs and the vessels of the beginning of the elbow
Liver vessel Four fingers below the elbow Continuation of the main vein
Vessel "collecting six" (vessels) In the middle of the back of the hand four fingers above the wrist Continuation of the vessel of hollow organs
Thumb vessel One imago above the back of the thumb Vessel extending from the wrist towards the thumb
Vessel of the ring finger On the back of the hand, one imago above the ring finger Continuation of the vessel “collecting six” (vessels)
Vessel of the lungs and colon On the three borders of the index and middle finger of the right hand Connection of blood vessels of the lungs and colon
Vessel of the liver and spleen On the three borders of the middle and ring finger of the right hand Connection of the vessels of the liver and spleen
Vessel of the right kidney and scrotum On the three borders of the ring finger and little finger Connection of the vessels of the kidneys and scrotum
Pancreatic vessel Four inches above the navel and 4 fingers to the side Continuation of breast vessels
Vessels of the genital organs The vessel goes to the side of the genitals Pass on both sides of the genitals, connect to the thigh vessel
Large leg vessel On the inner thigh, four fingers above the knee Large vessel of hollow organs
Knee flexure vessel From the middle of the knee bend, four fingers outward Continuation of the connection of the external and internal femoral vessels
Splenic vessel From the knee four fingers down Continuation of the internal femoral vessel
Caviar vessel On the inside of the shin in the middle of the distance from the knee to the ankle Continuation of the vessel of the thumb
Vessel of the tibia edge Four fingers above the middle of the foot, along the shin between the veins Continuation of the splenic vessel
Vessel "beginning of caviar" Two images higher than the heel Continuation of the vessel coming from the knee
Ankle vessel Above the ankle tubercle one imago Continuation of the splenic vessel
Vessel of the small intestine On the inside of the foot, in the middle, closer to the sole Three vessels depart from the great vessel of the foot. Intestinal vessel - medium
Big toe vessel Above the thumb one imago Continuation of the ankle vessel

A remarkable scientist from Germany, I. Gledich, a dentist by profession, in 1977 developed an original method for treating various diseases through points located in the oral cavity in the gum area, at the level of the roots of the teeth. He called this method “Oral acupuncture” (diagram no. 4).

Photo. Points for hirudoreflexotherapy at the roots of teeth (scheme No. 4)

With the development of microreflexotherapy, new acupuncture schemes were determined, which soon began to be used in hirudotherapy. Thus, in the podography, diagrams of zones located on the sole were used (scheme No. 5).

Photo. Reflexogenic zones of the foot (1-27), successfully used in various pathological conditions (scheme No. 5)

On the upper extremities - hands, with the introduction of hand microacupuncture, hirudotherapy has found positive development not only for diseases of the wrist joint, but also for the abdominal cavity, chest, and musculoskeletal system (scheme No. 6).

Photo. Reflexogenic zones on the hand used in hirudotherapy (diagram 6)




Many works have been written about human metamerism - the division of his body along the vertical axis into sections, preserving the principles of anatomical and neurophysiological connections and removing them to the periphery of the spinal cord segments from which they originated. Having scientifically substantiated the existence of autonomous metameres: skin - dermatomes, muscle - myotomes, skeletal - sclerotomes, nervous - neurotomes, scientists came to the conclusion that each ganglion of the peripheral nervous system forms its afferent and efferent connections strictly in certain zones, where they acquire autonomy with organization of a metameric receptor field with one functional system “periphery - center”. Therefore, by applying leeches to the metameric receptor fields - a specific dermatome, the necessary therapeutic effect can be achieved (Scheme No. 7).

Photo. Segmental receptor fields (diagram


A well-known researcher from Japan, Professor Yamomoto, in the 70s of the last century, developed a method of treating with microacupuncture in the areas of the frontal, parietal, occipital, cervical areas of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, heart disease, lung disease, and circulatory disorders. Russian researchers proposed applying leeches to these biologically active zones and achieved good success (scheme No. 8).

Treatment with medicinal leeches has been known since ancient times. Hirudotherapy has been proven to be highly effective for various diseases.


In medicine, the pharmaceutical leech (Hirudo medicinalis officinalis) and the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis medicinalis) are used. Currently, they are grown under artificial conditions and used as an antihypertensive and antithrombotic agent.

The leech's body ends with suction cups on both sides. The back one is designed for movement and attachment, it is always visible and has no holes. The anterior one becomes noticeable at the moment of suction to the patient’s body. This suction cup is designed for nutrition - in its depth there is a hole that leads into the oral cavity.

When bitten, a three-rayed wound is formed, from which 5 to 15 ml of blood is sucked (the volume depends on the time of suction).

In the oral cavity of a leech there are three jaws (one dorsal and two lateral), which are muscular ridges, along the edges of which chitinous denticles are located.

There are salivary glands around the pharynx and anterior part of the leech's gut. Their ducts open into the channels of chitinous denticles, with the help of which the leech bites through the skin (to a depth of 1-1.5 mm). At the same time, the secretion of the salivary glands is released. Some of the saliva is absorbed into the patient's blood.

Digestion occurs slowly. It is enough for a leech to pump blood once well to maintain vital functions throughout the year. The low rate of digestion is explained by the action of substances that suppress the activity of proteolytic enzymes contained in the secretion of the salivary glands.

Leeches have taste, smell and touch. React to sugar, blood and other chemical compounds. They sense even slight movement of water and move towards the source of vibrations.

How do medicinal leeches act on the human body?

When bitten, the secretion of the salivary glands, a liquid with a unique composition, gets onto the wound surface.

Studies have shown that leeches secrete the following substances:

  1. hirudin – suppresses the effect of thrombin, slows down blood clotting;
  2. inhibitors of trypsin, plasmin, elastase and chymazine;
  3. hyaluronidase;
  4. apyrase;
  5. collagenase;
  6. destabilase;
  7. triglyceridase.

The blood flowing from the wound does not clot for the first few minutes after removing the leech. The reason for this phenomenon is the action of the secretion of the salivary glands, which blocks the adhesion and aggregation of platelets.

As the blood flows out, the active substances are washed away. Hemostasis is restored, the effect on platelets stops. This leads to stopping bleeding.

Part of the secretion is absorbed into the capillary network.

  1. thrombolytic;
  2. anti-inflammatory;
  3. reduces blood clotting;
  4. eliminates pain;
  5. stimulates the immune system;
  6. improves blood circulation;
  7. promotes resorption of adhesions;
  8. restores damaged nerve endings;
  9. lowers blood pressure.

Proper use of hirudotherapy provides good results in the treatment of many diseases.

When are leeches used?

Indications for hirudotherapy:

  1. problems of the cardiovascular system (coronary heart disease, hypertension I-III, heart failure degrees I-II);
  2. respiratory diseases (chronic sinusitis and bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma);
  3. dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pancreatitis;
  4. diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  5. neurological problems (neuroses, injuries of the central nervous system and peripheral nerves, multiple sclerosis);
  6. gynecological diseases;
  7. problems with blood vessels (thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis, hemorrhoids);
  8. diseases of the urinary system (enuresis, prostatitis, chronic cystitis);
  9. skin problems (neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis);
  10. glaucoma;
  11. prevention of postoperative complications (lymphostasis, thrombosis, infiltrates);
  12. endocrine diseases (menopause, obesity, hyperthyroidism);
  13. scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus;
  14. dental problems (periodontitis, caries, periodontal disease);
  15. arthrosis and arthritis.

Attention! Hirudotherapy is used only as prescribed by a doctor! In some cases, the use of leeches is dangerous for the patient!

  1. anemia;
  2. leukemia;
  3. diseases with blood clotting disorders;
  4. erosive gastritis;
  5. stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  6. gastrointestinal tumors;
  7. subacute bacterial endocarditis;
  8. significant loss of body weight;
  9. pregnancy;
  10. individual intolerance to the secretion of the salivary glands of the medicinal leech;
  11. hypotension;
  12. tuberculosis (active forms);
  13. alcohol intoxication;
  14. condition after surgery on the spine and brain.

These contraindications are the result of numerous clinical studies.

What needs to be done to keep leeches healthy?

Observe the following rules in hirudotherapy rooms:

  1. The room should be well lit, without strong odors of medicines and disinfectants.
  2. Sudden temperature fluctuations are unacceptable.
  3. To keep leeches, wide-necked glass vessels are used (three liters of fresh water per hundred individuals).
  4. The vessel must be covered with a calico napkin or a double layer of gauze and bandaged tightly. This is done to prevent the leeches from spreading.
  5. The water must be clean, without chlorine and heavy metal salts. Prepared 2 days before use. The water must be changed daily.
  6. An important requirement is maximum cleanliness. The vessels are stored in a cool place, protected from sunlight.
  7. If the leeches become less active, it is recommended to change the water twice a day.

Subject to storage conditions, individuals remain active for six months.

Quality criteria

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to examine the leech. The best specimens are used for treatment.

Basic indicators of good vital activity:

Weight The normal weight of a healthy leech is from 0.5 to 3 grams.
Contractile reflex Examination:
  1. if you hold a leech in your palm, it quickly contracts, the body becomes short and dense;
  2. when the palm is opened, it returns to its original state in a short period of time (from 5 to 15 seconds);
  3. the process is repeated as the individual is re-compressed and released.
Mobility Good indicators:
  1. once in a vessel with water, it swims animatedly;
  2. after some time it rises along the walls of the vessel, trying to get out;
  3. if you put your hand in the water, a healthy individual quickly swims up and attaches itself using the rear suction cup (the front one makes searching movements to determine the area where the skin has been bitten);
  4. does not fall off when shaken off.

How to place leeches correctly?

For patients with chronic diseases, the following treatment regimen is recommended: the course is 10 procedures (the intervals between hirudotherapy sessions are 3-4 days). After this, a break is taken for 3 months (the activity of the secretion remains for a long time).

  1. Select the number of leeches required for the procedure, rinse them thoroughly with clean water and transplant them into a separate vessel.
  2. Clean the patient's skin using a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. Severe hyperemia should appear. It is not recommended to use various substances (glucose, sugar) for bait; heated skin is sufficient for stimulation. If the leech does not stick, it is of poor quality or has not had time to get hungry.
  3. Wait 15 seconds for the alcohol vapor to dissipate.
  4. Place the leech on the area of ​​skin selected for the procedure.
  5. After suction (usually it takes 1 to 3 minutes), place a layer of cotton wool under the point of application so that the liquid flowing from the leech’s body does not bother the patient.

In the first minutes after biting the skin, the patient feels pain. Subsequently, the discomfort disappears, since the secretion of the salivary glands contains an anesthetic substance.

Method with blood extraction Leeches suck out the maximum possible amount of blood (until complete saturation), then disappear on their own.
Abuladze method Used in elderly and weakened patients, as well as for reflexology.

The leech is removed from the skin immediately after the bite and salivation. To do this, just bring a cotton ball moistened with alcohol to the oral suction cup.

Attention! It is unacceptable to use a pumped leech on another patient!

For staging you can use:

  1. test tube;
  2. small glass (volume no more than 100 ml);
  3. 20 ml disposable syringe with front part removed.

After the procedure, the leeches are destroyed, for which they are placed in a vessel with a 10% chloramine solution. A sterile napkin is applied to the wound. Disposable gloves are required when working!

Gallbladder problems, biliary dyskinesia Place two leeches on the tailbone area, closer to the anus.

Liver diseases From 10 to 15 individuals are placed along an oblique line to the right of the xiphoid process of the sternum to the VI thoracic vertebra.

They also place one leech on the lower edge of the VI, VII, and VIII ribs.

One or two individuals are placed two centimeters below the edge of the costal arch along the mid-axillary line.

If leeches are placed along a vertical line, you must start from the bottom point. The patient's position should be as comfortable as possible.

Complications of hirudotherapy

During the procedure, both adverse reactions and complications are possible. The hirudotherapy room should have everything necessary to provide first aid.

  1. skin redness;
  2. edema;
  3. itching;
  4. local increase in temperature at the site of the bite;
  5. enlargement of nearby lymph nodes.

An adverse reaction is the response of the immune system to the secretion of the salivary glands. In this case, a large release of histamine occurs. Typically, clinical manifestations of an adverse reaction appear 8 hours after 3-4 sessions.

In this situation it will help:

  1. cold compress (a teaspoon of baking soda per glass of water);
  2. treat the wound with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate;
  3. antihistamines (“Suprastin”);
  4. cleansing procedures (enemas).

Complications occur very rarely:

Infection of a wound with the development of purulent inflammation Causes:
  1. failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  2. errors in care;
  3. violations of sanitary and hygienic standards during the procedure.

Treatment: antibiotics, opening and drainage of the purulent focus.

Bleeding Pathological bleeding during hirudotherapy – lasting more than 2 days.

Reasons for the development of complications:

  1. bleeding disorders;
  2. placement of a leech over a superficially located large blood vessel.

Help: pressure bandage, suturing the wound.

Allergic reaction The most dangerous complication.

  1. hives;
  2. Quincke's edema;
  3. anaphylactic shock (often ends in the death of the patient).

If an allergic reaction is suspected, the session is stopped immediately.

The hirudotherapy room should have the necessary medications to assist with anaphylactic shock.

A prerequisite for starting treatment with leeches is a preliminary study of a coagulogram and a general blood test!


Various medical preparations are produced from medicinal leeches in Russia. The secretion of the salivary glands is used to prepare cosmetics: creams, shampoos and gels.

Offers from pharmaceutical companies:

"Piyavit" Available in capsules.

The active component of the drug is a powder that is obtained from the secretion of the salivary glands of a medicinal leech (in laboratory conditions).

Indications for use:

  1. thrombophlebitis of superficial veins;
  2. bruises and hematomas (consequences of injury);
  3. phlebeurysm;
  4. diabetic angiopathy (as part of complex treatment).

Capsules are intended for oral administration. The dose is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

  1. hemorrhagic diathesis;
  2. bleeding disorders;
  3. stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  4. pregnancy;
  5. individual intolerance to components.

The drug is not intended for the treatment of children.

Gel “Girudo” is made from medicinal leeches grown artificially. The individuals did not come into contact with the skin of humans or animals and did not have access to the environment.

  1. promotes rapid healing of wounds and burns;
  2. improves microcirculation;
  3. reduces pain;
  4. eliminates swelling;
  5. promotes the resorption of hemorrhages,
  6. helps with headaches.

Application: Apply a thin layer to clean skin. In order for the drug to be better absorbed, you need to massage it lightly.

It is used in the complex treatment of the following diseases:

  1. thrombophlebitis;
  2. trophic ulcer;
  3. anal fissure;
  4. phlebeurysm;
  5. haemorrhoids;
  6. burns;
  7. hematomas of traumatic origin;
  8. psoriasis (plaque form);
  9. bedsores;
  10. during plastic surgery (for better engraftment of the skin flap).

Rectal suppositories “Girudo” Contain medicinal leech extract and cocoa butter.

  1. fissures of the anus and rectum;
  2. external and internal hemorrhoids;
  3. inflammatory diseases of the large intestine.

Application: the suppository is inserted into the rectum.

Side effect: pain and itching may occur. In this case, an oil enema is recommended (it will stop the effect of the medicine).

All medications are used only as prescribed by a doctor!


Good afternoon I have suffered from varicose veins for many years. I read about the benefits of hirudotherapy and would like to try it. But it's so expensive! I saw a lot of leeches in the pond at our dacha. What if I catch a few?

Hello! For hirudotherapy, special medical leeches are used; other types are not suitable for treatment. Hirudo medicinalis are grown in artificial conditions and do not have contact with the environment (therefore they cannot be carriers of various diseases). Also, do not forget that for the procedure to be effective, the leech must be hungry (in the wild it is impossible to control this fact).

Good afternoon I want to do hirudotherapy, I heard that they make good money from it. What is needed for this? I have a secondary medical education.

In order to obtain a license, you must:

  1. higher medical education (pediatrics, general medicine);
  2. complete hirudotherapy courses (at least 144 training hours).