Toxicology Medicinal

Drug toxicology (DMT) is a branch of toxicology that studies the mechanisms of action of drugs and ways to prevent their toxicity and treat poisoning. Medicines can cause toxic reactions that can be hazardous to human health.

TLS is an important branch of medical science that studies the effects of various drugs on the human body. This section studies the mechanisms of the toxic effects of drugs on the body, and also develops methods for the prevention and treatment of toxic complications.

One of the basic principles of TLS is the choice of medications taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, as well as compliance with the rules of dosage and frequency of administration. In addition, an important aspect is quality control of medicines and their compliance with standards.

Toxicity of drugs can manifest itself in the form of allergic reactions, damage to the liver, kidneys, nervous system and other organs and systems of the body. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully monitor patients taking medications and monitor their condition.

In general, TLS plays an important role in medicine, as it allows us to prevent life-threatening complications associated with taking medications and preserve the health and lives of patients.

Lecture on pharmacology "Toxicology of medicinal substances". **Toxicological properties of individual drugs.** From the information presented, you should know the following basic points about the main classes of drugs. In accordance with the theory of the mechanisms of action of pharmacological agents, poisons from drugs include strong alkaloids from plants: strychnine, coniine, brucine, belladonnine, etc., as well as cardiac glycosides. Other drugs in moderate doses are not