Toxin therapy

Toxin therapy (from the Greek τοξικός - poisonous, αίρω - take, transfer, i.e. “treatment with poisons”) is one of the areas in medical chemotherapy and physiotherapy.

The essence of the method is the introduction into the body of diseased substances contained in plant, animal or mineral media that are toxic to it. In order to prevent and treat thrombosis, special physical factors in a small energy range are often introduced to vascular receptors and endothelium. To increase the effectiveness of external therapy, liquid medications, tablets or mousses in a special microspiral are injected into the ears. Lotions, biologically active liquids, and special fabrics soaked in medicine can also be used. Recently, it has become popular to perform tissue therapy to rejuvenate and tighten the skin by administering subcutaneous drugs. The method is safe and does not leave scars on the skin