Toxoplasmosis Congenital

Congenital toxoplasmosis, or toxoplasma of newborns (lat. Toxoplasma gondii), is an infection caused by the parasite Toxoplasma, which can lead to serious illnesses in newborns and children.

Toxoplasmosis is a very common disease that can be transmitted through contaminated food, water, soil, and even pets (cats or dogs).

Symptoms of congenital toxoplasmosis can appear already in the first weeks of a child’s life, but most often they appear during the first months of life. The most common symptoms include:

  1. Heat
  2. Fatigue
  3. Vomiting and diarrhea
  4. Skin rash
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes

If toxoplasmosis is not treated promptly, it can lead to permanent brain damage and other serious illnesses such as blindness, paralysis and mental retardation.

To treat toxoplasmosis in newborns, antiparasitic drugs are used, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. Treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician, since antiparasitic therapy may cause side effects.

To prevent infection with toxoplasmosis, you must follow good hygiene and do not eat raw meat and fish, do not drink water from unknown sources and do not contact pets without gloves and a protective mask. It is also necessary to undergo regular preventive examinations with a doctor to identify possible infections.

Toxoplasmosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by the parasitic organism Toxoplasma gondii. A person is not a specific carrier, but in some cases he can become a carrier of pathogenic flora, as well as animals and birds. The carrier cannot be dangerous to others. The incubation period ranges from 7-30 days, less often it can stretch up to 150 days. Adult patients rarely get sick; pregnant women and young children are most often affected.

The source of spread and carriage of pathogenic flora are predatory animals and birds, for example, cats, dogs, crows, etc. Infection occurs when eating insufficiently cooked meat, especially raw meat, or contaminated eggs. The same carrier can serve as a source of disease for humans and animals. It is enough to become infected from one of them and we can already talk about the end of the infection and the transition to the chronic stage. The greatest risk is the first 2 trimesters of pregnancy. Every second baby suffers from transient anemia in utero, so it is so important to identify the disease in time, know the symptoms and nature of its course, and carry out timely treatment.

There are three forms of toxoplasmosis:

1. Acute form. It is characterized by increased temperature, fever, chills, joint and muscle pain, and enlarged lymph nodes. In rare cases, even loss of consciousness is possible. The nervous system is affected, with severe drowsiness, convulsions, severe headache, meningoencephalitis. Sometimes jaundice may appear. The first signs of an asymptomatic form in the absence