Facial skin toning


Toning is the final procedure of the cleansing process. It is significant in that after it is carried out, the normal pH level (5.5) is restored, which was disturbed during the use of cleansers.

With the help of tonics, the remnants of cleansers and difficult-to-soluble cosmetics are removed, pores are deeply cleansed, disinfection is carried out, normal moisture levels in the skin are restored, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage are improved, skin tone, firmness and elasticity are increased, swelling is reduced, and cell regeneration is accelerated.

Toning has a positive effect on the condition of the skin fibers responsible for its natural tone. In addition, the deposit of metal salts that remains on the face after washing with tap water is removed. Toning returns the skin to a wonderful feeling of renewal and freshness.

There are alcohol and alcohol-free tonics. They also contain other components. These include glycolic, lactic, salicylic acids, fruit extracts with disinfectant properties, astringents, such as various phytocomplexes: tinctures of sage, calendula, decoction of St. John's wort, currants, string, linden, willow bark, cucumber and lemon, bergamot essential oil, which moisturize and tone, have a regenerating effect. Tonics also contain anti-aging antioxidants and vitamins.


Tonics for dry skin contain glycerin, allantoin, hyaluronic acid, other moisturizing additives and sometimes substances that strengthen capillary walls.

Tonic for oily and problem skin has an anti-inflammatory effect, tightens pores, and contains particles that absorb excess oil secretions.

These products are used after cleansing the skin. Soak a cotton swab with tonic and lightly wipe the surface of the face along the lines of least stretch of the skin. Avoid contact with eyes. After use, apply moisturizer.

Using a tonic is simply necessary after cleansing the skin with lotion, milk or oil, which leave a greasy film on the skin.

Toners that contain alcohol can dry out your skin, and ingredients that don't evaporate completely can cause allergic reactions and irritation. Therefore, women with very dry and sensitive skin should completely avoid alcohol-containing products. On the contrary, proper skin toning can make the use of moisturizers unnecessary and significantly reduce the need for decorative cosmetics.

Tonic completes the cleansing process, removing remaining impurities, refreshes the skin, but most importantly, normalizes the acid-base balance.

Every woman knows for sure how to care for her skin so that it always has a healthy and attractive appearance: cleansing, toning and moisturizing. But, as a rule, many people simply forget about the toning procedure.

Maybe the tonic is not needed at all? Perhaps this is another trick of cosmetics manufacturers? Of course not.

What is a facial toner?

Tonic simultaneously performs several tasks for facial skin care, namely: completes the stage of skin cleansing, refreshes and tones. This is the main assistant in removing difficult-to-soluble cosmetics and skin cleansers. With its help, the pores are deeply cleansed, disinfected, moisture levels are restored, and the tonic also increases the skin's sensitivity to cosmetics that will be used after it.

Daily use of tonics is necessary to prevent skin aging and maintain its health. The tonic is very pleasant to use. After it, the skin becomes softer, the discomfort that can arise after washing with tap water disappears, namely: dryness, tightness and burning.

Skin toning procedure

The skin toning procedure must be carried out daily in the morning and evening. Only by fulfilling this requirement can we confidently say that the procedure will have an effect. Toning the skin in the morning will restore blood circulation after sleep, but in the evening you will need deep cleansing.

According to the intended purpose, the tonic can be:

  1. Moisturizing: helps relieve skin from dryness, tightness and flaking.
  2. Emollient: Serves to soften the skin.
  3. Nourishing: Serves to nourish the skin with essential nutrients.
  4. Mattifying: used in cases where you need to touch up your makeup.
  5. Cleansing: necessary for cleansing the skin of difficult-to-remove cosmetics.
  6. Refreshing: a toner with a mild formula, does not contain alcohol, suitable for sensitive and dry skin.
  7. Toning: this toner contains a small percentage of alcohol and is used for normal, combination and oily skin.
  8. Astringent: A richly formulated tonic that contains antiseptic ingredients and a high percentage of alcohol. They are designed to control skin oiliness.
  9. 2 in 1 toner: a special type of toner that should not be overused, this is not a tonic for daily use.

Different skin - different tonics

Everyone's skin is different, so to care for it, every woman needs to select tonics that contain components suitable for a specific skin type.

  1. Dry skin. Tonics for this skin type should under no circumstances contain alcohol; they require substances that will moisturize and soften the skin: vitamins, algae extracts, wheat germ extracts, marine collagen, silk and wheat proteins, kiwi, green tea, rose petals and peach juice.
  2. Oily skin. For this type of skin, antibacterial tonics or two-component tonics are used, which are able to “take away” excess oil from the skin and slow down its release during the day. It’s good if they contain calendula extract, apricot juice, and blackberry juice.
  3. Inflamed skin. Alcohol-containing tonics are ideal.
  4. Sensitive skin. An excellent option is a tonic that does not contain alcohol and is tested for allergens.
  5. Normal and combination skin. Toners based on strawberries, mangoes, and cornflower extract are ideal for such skin.

Skin toning. Folk remedies

At all times, women wanted to be beautiful, that’s how they are designed by nature. And if today giant cosmetic concerns work for women’s beauty, then in the past everything was much simpler. From generation to generation, very effective recipes have been passed down, with the help of which you can maintain your attractiveness.

The most important thing: remember that the skin toning composition prepared at home has a very short shelf life. If it contains alcohol, then it can be used for a month, and if the composition does not contain alcohol, then only two to three days.

Homemade toners for normal to dry skin

Cucumber tonic. Cut a medium-sized cucumber into cubes along with the peel, pour one glass of hot milk and boil for about five minutes. Cool. Strain. Used to restore healthy color and hydration to the skin.

Oatmeal tonic. Grind oatmeal, two tablespoons, pour hot milk (400 ml), stir and leave to cool, covered with a towel.

Pink tonic. Pour three glasses of red rose petals with peach or almond oil so that the oil covers the petals. Place the mixture in a water bath and heat until the petals lose their color. Strain and cool.

Honey-linden tonic. Brew a linden-colored dessert spoon (with a heap) with a glass of boiling water, cover with a towel and leave for an hour, strain, add a teaspoon of honey.

Homemade toners for oily and combination skin

Cucumber tonic. Grate the cucumber and mash until it becomes a paste. Mix four tablespoons of the pulp with a tablespoon of grated lemon peel and lemon juice from half a lemon. Pour all this over a glass of vodka, close tightly and leave for half a month. Then strain and dilute with a small amount of boiled water. Mix a teaspoon of honey and egg yolk and add to the resulting solution. Move carefully again.

Green tea tonic. Mix lemon juice (two tablespoons) with one glass of chilled green tea. This tonic will do a great job with oily skin.

Grapefruit tonic. Finely chop the peel of one grapefruit, place in a non-metallic bowl, adding half a glass of chilled boiled water, and leave to steep for two days, then strain.

Carrot-lemon tonic. Juice squeezed from a small carrot, lemon juice - one teaspoon, still mineral water - one tablespoon. Mix everything thoroughly. Wash with water after using this tonic.

Herbal tonic. Place a pinch of coltsfoot flowers in a bottle (it doesn’t matter whether dry or fresh), a pinch of sage and a pinch of St. John’s wort. Pour half a glass of vodka over this entire mixture, close tightly and leave for one week. Then strain the mixture. Immediately before use, dilute the amount of mixture required for the procedure with the same amount of chilled water.

Homemade tonics for those who…

Nettle toner (for oily skin). Take young nettles, pass through a juicer and wipe your face with the resulting juice.

Birch tonic. Take half a glass of birch sap, boil and add one spoon of honey, mix everything and cool.

Lemon toner (for oily skin). Mix half a glass of warm mineral water with a dessert spoon of melted honey and the juice of a quarter of a lemon. Mix well and put in the refrigerator for a day. After a day, the tonic is ready.

Aloe toner (for dry skin). Wrap aloe leaves (100 grams) in paper and put in the refrigerator for two weeks. Then these leaves are poured with one liter of cold spring water, put on fire and, bringing to a boil, boiled for about five minutes, after which they are allowed to brew for up to two hours and filtered.

Today, when you enter any cosmetics department, your eyes widen at the abundance of various skin toning products. Famous global brands are fighting for us women, offering and advertising their products. And the choice remains only ours.

But one thing is certain: the skin needs to be toned, and then it will be the way you want it to be. Good luck.

Skin toning is the stage of ridding the epidermis of dirt and excess sebum. Along with the cleansing function, the tonic exhibits other beneficial properties - moisturizes, prevents inflammation, nourishes, softens. The main thing is to choose the right product for a specific skin type.

The abundance of cosmetics in pharmacies and stores is pleasing to the eye. But how can you choose a useful skin tonic among this variety without severe material damage?

For example, the Israeli-made Christina tonic for problem skin is a popular product that is even used in cosmetology practice in beauty salons. Despite the obvious advantages - easy and convenient application, natural ingredients in the composition, pleasant consistency and smell - this tonic for problem skin has two drawbacks.

The first is the price. The cost of a tonic produced in Israel for all skin types is more than 1000 rubles per bottle. In addition, for the desired result you will have to “fork out” for the entire series - foam, peeling, cream, spray. Secondly, there are contradictory reviews on the Internet about similar tonics for combination skin: for some, the product helped overcome even skin imperfections, while for others it gave a slight short-term effect.

Skin toning - why you need to do it

It is advisable to use a facial tonic after each wash. Foam, mousse or gel remove the very first, outer layer of dirt on the skin. Scrubs are used for thorough cleansing, but it is not recommended to use them more than once a week. Therefore, tonics are produced that help improve its external and internal condition every day. There is even a nourishing tonic for the scalp that improves metabolic processes and reduces hair loss.

Tonics for clear skin are made on two bases: water and alcohol. Moisturizing toner for dry skin does not contain alcohol or its derivatives. Apply the product immediately after washing with a cotton pad or your hands; it dries on its own in a minute or two.

Tonics for different skin types: how to choose?

To choose the right product, you need to carefully read the information on the packaging about your skin type and composition.

Skin radiance toner contains vitamins, extracts of beneficial herbs and nutrients - it will improve your complexion and help you recover from stress and lack of sleep.

Toner for oily skin is popular - the rating of such products is high in the summer. The sebaceous glands work intensively - an oily sheen quickly appears on the face. Toner for oily skin contains alcohol, astringents and pore-tightening agents.

Toners for combination skin act simultaneously in two directions: cleansing and moisturizing - they remove excess sebum and moisturize dry areas.

Skin toning. Folk remedies

Folk and natural remedies are good because they do not contain synthetic harmful substances. In the fight against defects, it is realistic and useful to combine purchased cosmetic tonics and folk remedies.

It is easy and pleasant to use familiar food products as a tonic for problem skin. Potato or cucumber slices, strawberries, honey are long-recognized natural remedies for improving the condition of the skin, which perfectly moisturize and tone.

To tighten pores, a tonic made from equal proportions of lemon juice and water is suitable. To make a tonic against increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, the juice of any citrus fruit is suitable: orange, grapefruit, lemon, lime. Tangible benefits for oily and combination skin types will come from washing with herbal decoctions: chamomile, St. John's wort-calendula, strawberry, mint.