Tonometer (Tonometer)

A tonometer is an indispensable device for measuring pressure in various parts of the body. It can be used to measure blood pressure, intraocular pressure and other types of pressure.

The most common type of blood pressure monitor is the blood pressure monitor. It is used to determine systolic and diastolic pressure, which are key indicators of heart and vascular health. There are several types of blood pressure monitors, including mechanical, electronic and automatic.

Mechanical blood pressure monitors, also known as mercury blood pressure monitors, are the most accurate but require some skill to use. They work on the principle of measuring the pressure created by a mercury column and require a mercury manometer to measure the pressure.

Electronic blood pressure monitors work by measuring vibrations in the arterial wall caused by blood flow. They are easier to use than mechanical blood pressure monitors and can be semi-automatic or fully automatic.

Automatic blood pressure monitors are the most convenient to use and can be used by both doctors and patients independently. They work on the principle of measuring pressure using a sensor and automatically displaying the results on the screen. They can also be linked to mobile apps for health monitoring and storage of measurement results.

An ophthalmic tonometer is a type of tonometer that is used to measure the pressure inside the eye. This type of blood pressure monitor can be mechanical or electronic. Measuring the pressure inside the eye is an important indicator for diagnosing glaucoma, a condition that can lead to vision loss.

Overall, a tonometer is an important tool for monitoring health and diagnosing various diseases. It can be used by both doctors and patients and is available in different types to suit different needs. It is recommended to consult a doctor to select the most appropriate type of blood pressure monitor and use it correctly.


A tonometer is a device used to measure intraocular pressure. It is an important tool for diagnosing and monitoring glaucoma, a disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure.

There are different types of tonometers:

  1. Palpebral tonometer is the easiest to use. It is based on the sensation of resistance of the eyeball when palpated through the eyelid. This method gives a rough estimate of intraocular pressure.

  2. Applanation tonometer - is based on measuring the force required to protrude the cornea by a certain amount. The most famous representative is the Maklakov tonometer.

  3. Indentation tonometer - measures the depth of indentation of a special tip into the cornea under the influence of a certain force. An example is the Schiotz tonometer.

  4. Pneumotonometer - determines intraocular pressure by pumping air into the conjunctival sac.

  5. Transpalpebral pneumoophthalmometry is a non-invasive method of measuring intraocular pressure through closed eyelids using a stream of air.

  6. Tonometers based on tonography record pulsation of intraocular pressure.

Thus, a tonometer is an important diagnostic tool that allows you to assess intraocular pressure and promptly identify dangerous diseases such as glaucoma. There are many types of tonometers based on different measurement principles.

A tonometer is a device that is used to measure blood pressure in different parts of the body. It consists of a cuff that is placed on the arm or leg and a pressure sensor that measures the change in pressure in the cuff.

Blood pressure monitors can be used to measure blood pressure in patients with hypertension or hypotension, and to monitor blood pressure during treatment for hypertension or hypotension. They can also be used to measure intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma.

There are several types of blood pressure monitors, including mechanical, electronic and automatic. Mechanical blood pressure monitors use a cuff and bulb to apply pressure to the arm, while electronic blood pressure monitors measure pressure using a sensor located inside the cuff. Automatic blood pressure monitors also use a pressure sensor, but the cuff inflates automatically.

The accuracy of blood pressure measurement depends on the type of blood pressure monitor used and how it is used correctly. It is important to follow the instructions for using the blood pressure monitor to get accurate results.

An ophthalmotonometer is a type of tonometer that is used to measure intraocular pressure. Intraocular pressure is an important indicator of eye health and can be used to diagnose and treat glaucoma. Ophthalmotonometers are used in ophthalmology clinics and laboratories to measure intraocular pressure in the study of glaucoma and other eye diseases.

In conclusion, a tonometer is an important device for measuring blood pressure and intraocular pressure, which can be used to diagnose and monitor health conditions. The accuracy of the measurement depends on using the tonometer correctly, so it is important to follow the instructions and use it correctly.

A tonometer is an automatic device for measuring blood pressure in the body.

It is intended for medical institutions and home use. It is often used during operations, especially if it is necessary to monitor the patient's blood pressure levels between procedures. Due to such a wide range of applications, the tonometer can be of any modification: - Miniature devices are used by cardiologists - they are hung on the patient’s neck or wrist when the patient is in the hospital. They are comfortable, compact and do not press during everyday wear.

- Large and bulky models that are suitable only for stationary use due to the powerful cuffs and the presence of additional indication. At the same time, the doctor maintains control over the patient’s condition and maintains a dialogue with him in order to stay informed of events.

Medical blood pressure monitors can measure blood pressure very accurately due to the ability