Tone Affective

Tone is a concept used to describe the mental state of an individual. This is a complex term that includes many elements, including emotional and mental tone. Affective tone is an integral part of tone, representing a psychological background that determines the general emotional state of the individual, manifested in his reactions

Affective tone is a special emotional and mental personality trait. In psychology, four forms of emotional expressiveness of a person are often distinguished:

1. Depression. Characteristic of people who are in a constant state of anxiety and fear. Such a person does not know how to enjoy life and enjoys only achieving his goals. Walks around the city or warehouse and looks for what the client needs. It is always unpleasant to communicate with such a person, since he responds to all attempts of others to start a conversation with a sharp monosyllabic answer, without

Affective tone is the level of emotionality characteristic of a person in general (the predominant nature of emotional states and affective reactions, the degree of their variability). That is, T. a. can be defined as the physiologically dominant level of mental activity in a given person, which affects all other mental and behavioral manifestations. The special role of T.a. consists in the regulation of mood (or “functional stability”), internal motivations for activity, expedient actions, emotionality in the perception of external and internal stimuli, and the involvement of the psyche in their processing. If during neuroses T. is stable, as a result of which there are no worries in the emotional sphere, then under stress its heterostability causes inversions in the emotional area: anxieties become more frequent, pronounced and prolonged, which leads to functional tension. There are 4 main types of muscle tone: Reflex - the body’s ability to maintain normal relationships between the gravity of an organ, its blood vessels and the general resistance of the body-environment system. The function is to enable the body to adapt to environmental conditions and maintain homeostasis; Afferent-reflex - carried out through a receptor, mainly afferent; function - to provide information about the state of the external and internal environment; Central nervous system - ensures the relationship of the body with the environment, controls activities, and forms its own behavior; Volitional contractions are the psychophysiological basis of action of one’s own free will, determined by the needs of the individual, external circumstances, and the situation of the struggle of motives. All of them reflect the state of muscle tissue and at the same time influence it. Each tonic mode has its own patterns of formation, course and form of manifestation, it is characterized by the presence of certain stimuli that cause a given tonic state, individually significant mediation of an external stimulus from the second signaling system, an individual pattern of the tonic state, individual changes in the central nervous system; each tonic reflex reflects a specific type of neuro-humoral-reflex activation of internal organs; tonic modes participate in the formation of a dynamic stereotype of the body’s adaptation to changing external and internal conditions of the internal and external environment. For today