Top 10 tallest women

Every second girl dreams of being a tall model, but few of them realize how difficult life is for young ladies whose height exceeds 180 cm. Get-Sparrow, Sleeper, Aunt Styopa - these are only some of the offensive nicknames that they have encountered. This is probably why each of them achieves great heights in life, to prove to themselves and others that growth is an advantage.

  1. Zeinab Bibi (Pakistan) - 218 cm
  2. Malaika Jayanti (India) - 213 cm
  3. Ellie Neville (Great Britain) - 207 cm
  4. Lyudmila Bliznyuk (Ukraine) - 206 cm
  5. Ryan Tony (USA) - 204 cm
  6. Esther Fuchs (Netherlands) - 204 cm
  7. Carolyn Hahn (Germany) - 203 cm
  8. Christina Bauman (USA) - 201 cm
  9. Victoria Frances (Spain) - 201 cm
  10. Elenor Miller (USA) - 198 cm

We have now found out which of the representatives of the fair sex is tall.