Top moisturizing creams for men

Most representatives of the stronger sex believe that men's face cream is a completely unnecessary luxury that does not bring anything useful. There is no need to make the mistake of giving up the positive effect on the skin, because it also needs nutrition and hydration, and frequent shaving has its share of adverse effects. We should not forget about the characteristics of female and male faces, so you need to be careful when choosing a drug and take into account the type of your skin and even its condition. How to make the right choice, and which means to give preference to?

5 reasons why a man should use face cream

A chic, well-groomed man is the dream of almost every woman, and even married ladies try, although not always successfully, to turn their spouse into an ideal. If it is quite difficult to change your appearance without powerful artillery in the form of expensive cosmetic procedures (and sometimes impossible - most representatives of the stronger sex categorically refuse to go to the salon, and, moreover, subject themselves to injections), then getting rid of obvious defects on the face is quite simple. A cream for men's facial skin will come to the rescue here, which will make even rough skin soft and silky in a short time.

If your beloved partner refuses to use men's face cream, you can present him with several reasons that will prove that you cannot do without this product. The main reasons that should stimulate the use of the drug:

  1. With age, the skin loses not only its elasticity, but also its shade;
  2. epidermal tissues do not always receive the necessary moisture;
  3. by the age of 40, numerous folds and wrinkles appear, which cannot be called decoration;
  4. enlarged, unsightly pores decorated with blackheads;
  5. When shaving, the skin is often injured.

This is enough for the spouse to at least begin to think about the fact that using the product will really help get rid of many problems and agree to a short experiment. Just a few procedures will certainly help him make sure that the drugs really have considerable benefits.

Tips from cosmetologists

If you ask a cosmetologist about how necessary it is to use men’s face cream, an experienced master will certainly answer that only the use of special products will help get rid of unwanted defects and prevent the appearance of new flaws. How to choose the right drug to achieve maximum effect?

Cosmetologists advise:

  1. Preliminarily study information on the Internet, visit men's forums, look at ratings that list the best face creams;
  2. determine (on your own or with the help of a cosmetologist) your skin type;
  3. find out what effect the product should have (anti-aging, moisturizing or nourishing);
  4. do not save on purchases - cheap drugs can provide proper care, but there is a high risk of purchasing a low-quality product that does not have beneficial properties;
  5. Be sure to carefully study the information on the packaging - it should indicate not only the specifics of use, but also the age for which the drug is recommended.

Regardless of which men's cream was chosen, you definitely need to independently verify its effectiveness and the absence of side effects. This is not difficult - it is enough to carefully monitor the results of using the drug for several weeks. If the skin does not change for the better, and defects do not disappear, or unpleasant allergy symptoms appear in the form of rashes or irritation, be sure to stop using the product and purchase another product.

Helpful advice! If there are any doubts about which good creams for men are best to use, it is better to contact a cosmetologist, who will certainly help you decide on your choice.

We advise you to look at the review of the best creams for men:

Rating of the 10 best creams

Choosing a men's face cream that will help get rid of annoying defects or problems is not at all difficult. Most of the drugs have long been tested by representatives of the stronger sex and have gained their fans. Before you go to the store, you can view the rating of the 10 best creams - this will certainly help you make your choice.


Face cream for men, which is intended to enrich the epidermal tissues with precious moisture, must have a special composition. Be sure to study it before purchasing - silicone or glycerin should be present as moisturizing substances.

The drug from German manufacturers will certainly please those with flaky or too dry skin. You can use it after every shave - it neutralizes the effects of foam, which often causes dehydration of epidermal cells. It is better to use the product daily, paying special attention to flaky areas. It is not necessary to use it only on dry skin - an oily face no less needs hydration.

Hydra energy (from L’OREAL)

It is recommended to use men's face cream from a well-known brand for moisturizing, because it not only perfectly tones, but can also affect enlarged pores. Several weeks of regular procedures will allow you to observe how they become almost invisible, while the skin acquires the elasticity and delightful velvety that are inherent only in a well-moisturized epidermis.

You can use the cream before shaving - it will help avoid injuries and the negative effects of some drugs that are used to facilitate the procedure. The texture of the product is very delicate and almost weightless; a pleasant aroma and a feeling of freshness will certainly remain on the face.

The drug from Vichy is a wonderful choice for representatives of the stronger sex suffering from severe flaking. Just a few uses will allow you to see how the skin tightens, dark circles under the lower eyelids and swelling gradually disappear. Another advantage of the product is that the Vichy facial moisturizer relieves signs of fatigue, which often accompany dry skin.

The peculiarity of the drug is a complex of vitamins and minerals. It is these components that allow you to reliably protect your face from harmful external influences. The thinnest film that appears on the skin not only prevents dehydration of the epidermal tissue, but also serves as a barrier to the negative effects of sunlight and frosty winds.


The use of nutritional compositions for the face is necessary at any age, so you should not be denied the opportunity to saturate the epidermis with useful elements. A good nourishing face cream should not only enrich the dermal tissue with vitamins and minerals, but also protect against harmful effects.

Vichy Homme Hydra Mag C+

The peculiarity of the cream is that it can not only saturate cells with nutrients, but also relieve signs of fatigue on the skin of the face. The first use of the drug allows you to get rid of the unpleasant unhealthy tint and exhaustion. It is recommended to use the product daily, especially in winter, when the body lacks vitamins. When applying, you must adhere to the rules for using the cream - apply a small amount to the face and rub into the dermis with gentle massaging movements. The composition is perfectly absorbed and does not leave the feeling of an oily film on the face.

The cream is recommended for representatives of the stronger sex suffering from excessive sensitivity of the epidermis. Can be used to relieve irritation, especially after shaving. The composition contains chamomile extract and a vitamin complex that enriches the skin with nutrients.

The product of the Israeli cosmetology company is not cheap, but it fully justifies its cost, because it not only nourishes the skin with the necessary elements, but also enriches it with the moisture necessary for good condition. The cream quickly restores a healthy natural tone, eliminates fatigue, refreshes and tightens the face. It is recommended to use daily, best in the morning, after shaving.

Find out what else is included in facial skin care for men. One cream will not be enough to have beautiful and well-groomed skin!

If you want to restore youthful skin, we recommend that you look at reviews of Aptos threads for face lifting here.


Many men often notice how, after 30, unpleasant signs of age remain on their faces, and this cannot be done without cream. If you refuse the help of special medications, you will soon be able to see your face become flabby, lose its elasticity, and the first wrinkles begin to appear. You should not wait, resigned, for these manifestations - it’s time to resort to the help of special drugs.

The cream is recommended for men who are just beginning to notice signs of aging. The drug will quickly restore freshness and elasticity to the skin, even if wrinkles have already begun to appear, it will certainly cope with them. It contains hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for youth and elasticity. Results can only be seen with daily use.

Anti-aging cream can be used if the signs of aging on the skin are too obvious. Recommended for use in cases of deep folds, loss of elasticity, sagging and sagging skin. It actively affects fine wrinkles near the corners of the eyes, so when applying, do not forget to distribute the drug in these areas.

A pleasant aroma and delicate texture are the distinctive features of the product. The cream is absorbed quite quickly, but it is better not to use it just before going outside; you need to wait a while.

Vichy Homme Liftactiv

The drug is recommended for men over 40 years of age. It is at this age that changes in the skin are so pronounced that it is impossible to do without the powerful influence of products with a special composition. The cream can not only restore freshness and elasticity to the face, but also have a beneficial effect on deep wrinkles. Of course, at this age one should not hope that the folds on the face will completely disappear only after using the drug - this cannot be done without the help of a cosmetologist.

Despite this, the anti-aging cream is able to activate the work of epidermal cells and force them to produce collagen on their own. The results of this effect are that wrinkles will become much smaller. Regular use of the product will allow you to watch your face become younger with each procedure.

Every man in his soul dreams of looking beautiful and young, so you should not refuse the effects of drugs that can make your dream come true. Regular use of a cream intended specifically for men's skin will certainly make it soft, pleasant to the touch and will certainly arouse envy and admiration among the fairer sex.

Why is men's skin so different from women's that it needs a special cream? We will answer this question, and at the same time tell you about the best cosmetics for men, according to the editors of

  1. Why does men's skin need special cosmetics?
  2. How to choose men's face cream
  3. Types of creams for men
  4. Composition of men's cream
  5. Rules for applying men's face cream
  6. Review of the best creams

Why does men's skin need special cosmetics?

Men's face creams, contrary to popular belief, are not an invention of marketers, but a scientifically proven category of products. Because men's skin really requires special care.

“It differs from women, first of all, in its physiology, because from adolescence it is influenced by male sex hormones - testosterone and its derivatives,” says Marina Kamanina, expert dermatologist at L’Oréal Paris.

As a result, men's skin becomes more porous, oily, prone to clogged pores and the formation of comedones. Men’s skin is denser due to more collagen fibers.”

Men's face cream most often contains soothing, moisturizing and toning ingredients.

The main differences between men's skin and women's skin are listed by Irina Vavaeva, Lancôme skin care expert:

Men's skin is on average 24% thicker than women's, the density of collagen fibers in the dermis in men is higher, and its elasticity is much greater. These differences persist throughout life.

Biologically, men's skin ages more slowly than women's, but heavy smoking and prolonged exposure to the sun without SPF products lead to the early appearance of signs of photoaging in the form of folds and wrinkles.

Sebum production in men's skin is much more intense, which often leads to the appearance of acne. Sebum is actively produced in the T-zone.

On the other hand, the condition of the skin of the cheeks, chin and neck is affected by the shaving process, during which the hydrolipidic film is constantly damaged. The process of natural renewal of the epidermis is disrupted, the skin loses protection and becomes dehydrated.

Constant shaving increases skin sensitivity.

Men's pH level is on average 5.4, and this fact is taken into account when creating men's cleansers.

Due to the structure of their skin, men prefer products with non-greasy and lighter textures that do not contain oils or contain small amounts of them.

How to choose men's face cream

This is the algorithm for choosing a men's face cream that Irina Vavaeva suggests.

Determine your skin type: dry, oily, normal or combination.

Consider the frequency of shaving: the more often you do it, the softer the composition of the cream should be and the lighter the texture.

Assess the condition of the skin: there is peeling, a feeling of tightness, discomfort - you need a nourishing cream. If nothing bothers you and shaving does not cause problems, use a moisturizer. If your skin is sensitive and prone to irritation, choose hypoallergenic products with a calming effect.

Focus on age: starting from 30 years old, you will need a cream for the first wrinkles, after 40 years - a smoothing cream with a lifting effect or an anti-aging one.

Types of creams for men

The table below shows the classification of the main types of creams for men's skin. In general, they are no different from women's, but this does not mean that girls can borrow cosmetics from their boyfriends. Remember: for men formulas are more intense.

Type of cream Skin type Functions Main Components
moisturizing any skin type Moisturizes and retains moisture inside the skin glycerin, aloe extract
nutritious dry thin skin prone to flaking Restores skin barrier functions, softens, eliminates flaking. shea butter, squalane
anti-aging skin with visible signs of aging Reduces wrinkles, evens out facial contours, tightens skin, increases elasticity. peptides, antioxidants, vitamins E and C, retinol
after shaving skin prone to irritation and redness after shaving Soothes the skin, eliminates irritation. allantoin, panthenol, chamomile extract

Men's skin, although thicker and rougher than women's, is often sensitive due to regular shaving.

Composition of men's cream

The composition of men's face creams is determined by the needs of the skin.

“Men most often need moisturizers, but without a sticky effect,” says Marina Kamanina. “They fundamentally differ from women’s perfumes in that they are lighter, with fresh minty, woody perfume notes, characteristic of men’s perfumes.”

Men with sensitive skin prone to irritation need products without alcohol, perfumes or dyes. These components can become additional irritants. And it’s good if the product contains soothing components - for example, chamomile and aloe extract.”

Rules for applying men's face cream

“The algorithm for using cosmetics for men differs little from that for women, but there are some nuances,” explains Marina Kamanina. “The basis of men’s skin care is moisturizing and toning products with caffeine and vitamin C. Such care improves blood microcirculation and fights dark circles under the eyes.”

It is recommended to apply men's cream from the center of the face to the periphery using massage movements.

Shaving cream Apply to areas affected by shaving.

Day face cream - all over the face. It is better to do this immediately after washing. Distribute a small amount of product over the face with light smoothing or patting movements from the center to the periphery.

Eye cream Apply to the area around the eyes along the bony edge of the orbit, avoiding the moving eyelid: from the skin fold of the upper eyelid to the temple and under the eyes towards the bridge of the nose. If the skin around the eyes is prone to swelling, use the cream only in the morning, after washing your face. You can start using such products after 30-35 years, when the skin becomes thinner and prone to wrinkles.

Review of the best creams

The best moisturizing men's face creams, according to

Product name What skin is it suitable for? Action Active components
MOISTURIZING CARE AGAINST SIGNS OF FATIGUE “HYDRA ENERGETIC”, L’ORÉAL MEN EXPERT For dry, tight skin prone to redness and flaking. Soothes, moisturizes, nourishes, eliminates tightness, and gives a feeling of comfort. microcapsules with triceramides, shea butter, royal jelly, vitamin E
moisturizing Gel with micronutrient elements Hydrix, Lancôme men For irritated, dehydrated skin prone to flaking. Restores, removes signs of fatigue, gives radiance and tone. shea butter, royal jelly, vitamin E, microcapsules with triceramides
moisturizing BALM with micronutrient elements HYDRIX, LANCÔME MEN For skin with signs of fatigue (thinning, dullness, uneven tone). Moisturizes, eliminates signs of fatigue, energizes. active protection system ADS

The best mattifying creams for men's skin, according to

Product name What skin is it suitable for? Action Active components
RESTORING product for dry skin EFFACLAR H, LA ROCHE-POSAY For skin irritated after using drying products. Moisturizes, restores hydrolipid balance, neutralizes inflammation and relieves irritation. lipids, ceramides, squalene, shea butter, vitamin E, niacinamide
men's moisturizing gel-cream against oily shine OIL ELIMINATOR 24-HOUR ANTI-SHINE MOISTURIZER, KIEHL’S For skin with excess oily shine. Eliminates oily shine, tightens pores, mattifies. glycerin, mahogany extract, aerolite technology

The best anti-aging products for men, according to

Product name At what age should I use it? Action Active components
CARE AGAINST THE FIRST SIGNS OF AGING AGE FITNESS, BIOTHERM HOMME after 30 years Prevents the appearance of signs of aging, gives the skin smoothness, elasticity and radiance. spirulina extract, astaxanthin
Anti-wrinkle and skin firming cream with lifting effect RÉNERGY 3D, LANCÔME MEN after 40 years Strengthens the skin, increases elasticity, smoothes out noticeable wrinkles, evens out skin texture. complex with biopeptides, organic silicone, colloidal silicon, soy proteins

The best soothing aftershave products, according to

Product name Action Active components
BALM FOR DRY SKIN SOOTHING BALM, BIOTHERM HOMME Prevents redness and irritation, softens and refreshes the skin after shaving. glycerin, allantoin, thermal plankton and chamomile extracts
AFTER SHAVE GEL POST SHAVE REPAIR GEL, KIEHL’S Instantly soothes, restores and softens the skin. 90% Aloe Vera Concentrate, Squalane, Peppermint Extract, Alcohol Free
moisturizing aftershave gel Hydra Power, L’OrÉal Men Expert Instantly soothes the skin, relieves burning sensation, and moisturizes for 24 hours. mountain spring water, active ADS protection system

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More about the ingredients

  1. Alla February 5, 10:02 What should those who are not able to buy the expensive creams provided here do? Or is care only for the wealthy? Maybe I should have shown a couple of budget samples.
  1. Editorial March 7, 18:12 Alla, good afternoon! Thank you for your comment. From this article you may be interested in L’Oreal Paris Men Expert series products. You can view the product catalog at the link
  2. Editorial February 6, 14:10 Alla, good afternoon! You can find out what distinguishes expensive products from inexpensive ones here: If you prefer other means than those presented in this article, please pay attention to other articles. We have published several hundred texts on our website, which present selections of products in different price categories. Thank you, Team
Sergey January 18, 22:24 That case when up to this moment I had already read about 30 articles, and then I finally came across it adequately and clearly - otherwise a man wouldn’t be able to figure it all out Tatyana April 11, 07:45 The site has very useful, necessary information , Let's be friends

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Characteristics in the rating

1 Lierac Homme Anti-Fatigue Gel-Creme Energisant The widest range of directions
2 Speick Men Active Intensive Cream Best for sensitive skin
3 Femegyl "Moisturizing and restoring" Choice of cosmetologists
4 Health&Beauty Protective Anti-Wrinkle Cream SPF-15 Removes wrinkles
5 Weleda Feuchtigkeitscreme Retains moisture in pores all day
6 Velinia "For problem skin" Favorable price-quality ratio
7 Levrana "Wild Mint" Review leader
8 Natura Siberica "Bear Power" Best price
9 The Saem Eco Energy Mild BB Cream Matting effect
10 L'Oreal Men Expert "Hydra Energetic" Removes signs of fatigue

The epidermis of the stronger sex has significant differences from the female, which is confirmed by scientific facts, therefore men's skincare products will differ in composition from women's. When creating such products, manufacturers start from a pH level of 5.4. There is an opinion that men's skincare products are the machinations of marketers. Of course, men's facial skin care products are in less demand than women's, and the explanation for this can be found in the fact that the stronger sex has denser skin, because men have 23% more collagen than women, and accordingly, tissue elasticity is higher, therefore, men usually resort to skincare cosmetics only after 35-40 years.

However, face cream will also be relevant in adolescence, when guys begin to actively produce the male hormone - testosterone, which also activates facial hair; Acne begins due to inflammation of the cells in the hair follicles. Also at an older age, when there is a need to shave, which injures the skin and makes it more sensitive; You can often notice that in men the cheek and neck area is dry and dehydrated. To simplify your choice of products that are suitable specifically for you, we have compiled a rating of the best men's creams with different properties: soothing, smoothing, nourishing, moisturizing, anti-aging.

TOP 10 best men's face creams

10 L'Oreal Men Expert "Hydra Energetic"


L’Oreal Men Expert “Hydra Energetic” cream gel will be a savior if you need to look rested, but your facial skin gives away the opposite in every possible way. By increasing the circulation of oxygen in the cells of the epidermis, the product will restore skin tone and make it pleasant to the touch. The product is sold in a 50 ml bottle with a convenient dispenser, which will not only allow you to use it economically, but also maintain its tightness, preventing the entry of bacteria.

The manufacturer has placed information on the packaging about how the cream affects men’s facial skin: restores tone, eliminates the feeling of tightness and dryness, evens out color, removes dark bags under the eyes. You can apply the cream-gel to the entire face area, without avoiding the area around the eyes. Non-greasy and non-sticky texture leaves virtually no residue. In reviews, men highlight the moisturizing property of the cream as its main advantage, which helps relieve irritation after shaving.

9 The Saem Eco Energy Mild BB Cream

Korea, having a good reputation for the production of skincare cosmetics, has introduced a new BB men's face cream Eco Energy Mild from the famous brand The Saem. The main advantage of the product is its mattifying property, but in addition to this, the cream will also moisturize, relieve inflammation, tone out imperfections and pigmentation, even out color, and also protect from the external environment, including ultraviolet rays.

The main active ingredients are of natural origin: lemon extract will relieve pigmentation, mint extract will soothe, relieve burning and itching. A complex of oils will have a general healing effect: orange, rosemary, geranium, lavender. Moisturizing hyaluronic acid will help get rid of the first signs of aging. It also contains a component - adenosine, which is responsible for activating the production of elastin and collagen, which also helps smooth out wrinkles.

8 Natura Siberica “Bear Power”


When developing the cream recipe, the main goal of the Natura Siberica brand was to create a budget product on a natural basis that could smooth out even obvious wrinkles. Additionally, the cream tones the skin, protects it from the negative effects of the external environment and restores the level of moisture in the epidermis, which is especially important after shaving. The manufacturer assures that after a course of using the cream, the number of wrinkles is guaranteed to be reduced by 92%, acne disappears by 97%, and the skin is moisturized by 100%.

“Bear Power” is enriched with a useful complex of taiga herbs, which are famous for their pronounced effects. Wild St. John's wort and ginseng have rejuvenating properties. Propolis moisturizes facial tissues and fills them with useful components. Bearberry protects tissues from the external environment. In the reviews, men note that the reasons for choosing this product were its effectiveness and affordable price.

7 Levrana "Wild Mint"

The cream from the Russian brand of natural skin care products at an affordable price - Levrana - contains 26 natural ingredients. The product boasts certificates confirming that the formula does not contain components of animal origin, petrochemicals, parabens and that the products are not tested on animals. The cream collects the best reviews and ratings on forums dedicated to discussing eco-cosmetics.

“Wild Mint” is the best option for daily protection and care of men’s facial skin. Using the cream, you can successfully relieve shaving irritation and signs of fatigue. There is also a narrowing of pores after the first use. Mint soothes, gives a feeling of freshness, improves the circulation of oxygen in cells and blood in vessels due to its cooling effect. It has a bold masculine scent and a delicate, instantly absorbed texture. Aloe vera restores water balance at the cellular level, tightens and smoothes.

6 Velinia "For problem skin"

The cream will be relevant during the period of acne rashes, because its formula is designed specifically for sensitive, inflamed skin. The sabal fruits included in the product help exfoliate dead skin cells, which also regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and remove excess sebum, which causes the proliferation of bacteria on the skin. D-panthenol will rejuvenate tissues at the cellular level. And to hide traces of post-acne, the cream guarantees a calming effect, light matting and tone evening.

The bottle with a convenient dispenser contains a product made in accordance with GOST. A multi-component natural composition with many oils will become a tool for improving the health of men's problem skin. Tea tree oil is one of the best herbal antiseptics; almond oil is a source of moisture and nutrition; Licorice extract – soothes. The cream perfectly combines effectiveness, quality ingredients and affordable cost.

5 Weleda Feuchtigkeitscreme


Weleda Feuchtigkeitscreme has become famous on the Internet as the best men's cream that retains moisture inside the pores throughout the day. In winter, the product perfectly eliminates peeling. The manufacturer provides statistics from dermatological studies that showed the following results: after 28 days of using the product, moisture levels increased by 26%, elasticity by 18%, and smoothness by 16%.

One cannot help but be surprised by the composition of the cream, which, by the way, is 100% natural. Witch hazel distillate stops inflammatory processes and heals chapped skin. Jojoba oil and marshmallow root extract moisturize and have nourishing properties. Sesame oil contains vitamin E, which has an antioxidant effect. Wax protects against the negative effects of the external environment. And thanks to the complex of essential oils, you can feel a pleasant smell reminiscent of men's cologne, without the smell of alcohol.

4 Health&Beauty Protective Anti-Wrinkle Cream SPF-15


The main goal of Protective Anti-Wrinkle Cream is to reduce the number of incipient wrinkles and reduce the depth of already obvious wrinkles. The cream was created on a natural basis and approved by the Israeli Ministry of Health. Salt sea minerals perform moisturizing functions; Aloe and chamomile extracts are responsible for soothing and relieving irritation after shaving properties; for antibacterial properties - tea tree oil, for giving tissues a feeling of freshness and cleanliness - calendula.

Vitamins A, E and C have antioxidant properties (neutralize free radicals) and will also become faithful protectors against UV rays. Based on the reviews, we can say that the main advantage of the men's cream from Health&Beauty is its pronounced moisturizing qualities, which help smooth out emerging wrinkles, as stated in the very name of the product.

3 Femegyl “Moisturizing and restorative”

Men's moisturizing and restoring cream from the Femegyl brand, which is often advertised by famous Russian cosmetologists, makes the skin of the face and neck softer and more elastic. With constant use, it heals microcracks, acne marks and cuts. The highly concentrated kelp in the composition will give a healthy tone and soften the epidermis, help cope with irritation and itching. After applying the cream to your face, you will feel a slight cooling sensation.

D-panthenol included in the composition is provitamin B5 (an agent of cell regeneration and wound healing). Argan and olive oil contain a whole storehouse of elements beneficial for the skin, primarily vitamin E - the guardian of youthful skin, which smoothes out unevenness and acts as an antioxidant. The cream does not contain parabens. On the Internet you can find many positive reviews about Femegyl “Moisturizing and Regenerating” from cosmetologists.

2 Speick Men Active Intensive Cream


The cream, produced according to high German quality standards, is an effective means for moisturizing sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions and acne. The cream is suitable for any skin type: dry, oily, combination. After using it, the tone is noticeably evened out, the skin feels breathable and fresh. Successfully relieves irritation and heals wounds received after shaving.

Active Intensiv cream does not contain silicones, fragrances, any preservatives or dyes. The following will have a positive effect on the skin structure: aloe vera gel - perfectly moisturizes and restores, phospholipids - have softening properties, valerian extract - cleanses and promotes cell regeneration, menthol - soothes the skin. Shea butter, camellia oil, cupuaçu oil, soybean oil - they all have wrinkle-smoothing properties and also give the skin a subtle fresh aroma.

1 Lierac Homme Anti-Fatigue Gel-Creme Energisant

A men's cream-gel with a moisturizing, restoring and toning effect will show excellent results in the first week of regular use. The aroma alone is invigorating, but the manufacturer also took care of the effective composition. The SKINPOWER formula activates tissue regeneration and relieves signs of fatigue. The cream both prevents premature aging and removes already existing external signs of “fatigue” of the epidermis in the form of wrinkles, age spots, dark circles under the eyes and sagging skin.

In addition to the rejuvenating effect, you can count on cleansing the skin, since Lierac Homme Anti-Fatigue Gel-Creme Energisant also has antibacterial properties, which should be a pleasant bonus for those with oily skin. Reviews often write that the high cost of the cream is fully justified by its effectiveness, and besides, the product solves several problems at once.