
Topesthesia (topaesthesia top + Greek aisthesis feeling, sensation) is the ability to feel touch and pressure on the skin. This is a type of sensitivity that allows us to feel when our skin is touched or pressed.

Topesthesia is provided by special receptors in the skin called mechanoreceptors. They respond to mechanical pressure and touch. Information from these receptors travels along nerve fibers to the brain, where the sensation of touch or pressure is formed.

Violation of topesthesia leads to the fact that a person cannot adequately assess touch and pressure on the skin. This occurs in some diseases of the nervous system. Also, topesthesia decreases with age due to deterioration in the functioning of receptors and pathways.

Thus, topesthesia is an important type of sensitivity that allows us to interact with the world around us and objects through sensations on the skin. Violation of this function significantly reduces a person’s quality of life.

Topesthesia: what is it? Many people are scared by this word. But what is this anyway? Topesthesia (from two Greek words: top - up, the highest and eistese - “feeling, sensation” - literally “supersensible or highest.”) is called supernatural abilities in the field of perception of information.

People claim to have feelings that they do not have in principle. They can find out what is happening around them. They can see right through a person or see what is happening around them from another world. Topesthetes are people with highly developed psychic and clairvoyant abilities. They are often helped to see the connection between phenomena, words, sounds and actions of people. What types of topesthesia are there. Sensory auras are both passive, and active type. They can also manifest themselves in very different ways: outwardly the aura simply glows, manifests itself in the body of sensation, or a voice simply comes. Most often, a person hears a voice that says: “I see your past future.” But those who have already encountered this feeling or are its carrier know that in their inner world they hear some kind of “music” of events. The music of events consists of various types of chants. And the purer the sounds of music, the purer and more active the sensory aura appears. Outwardly, it looks like a person can easily guess the events that are happening now. He doesn't need any hints. It is usually a combination of spontaneity and purposefulness. That is, the purpose of your gaze, more precisely, concentration of attention is present here, but that lightness, spontaneous nature, freedom of action is also present. These are those sensory sensors for whom it is equally easy to perceive sound and visual images. With a sensory aura there are very few physical manifestations of its active potential: it is either a slight movement of air, or a sensation of vibration, a wave of air movement. Such people bear the imprint of the past world and the generations that preceded them. They often suffer severe hardships, severe trauma in childhood or adulthood. They do not always have the opportunity to work or study, since their health status prevents contact with society. And it’s as if these people were sent to earth for one purpose - to help others in their lives. If you have received the gift of the sensory aura, you will definitely need to learn how to use this unique ability for the benefit of other people. To do this, you can turn to professional mentors.