Toprovera Gastrostomy

Topver: the art of creating a gastrostomy tube

Toporever (Georgius Speransky Toporever) was an outstanding Soviet surgeon. He was born in 1874 in Moscow and died in 1929. Topver was one of the first to use gastrostomy and splenectomy in Russia. He was a very talented surgeon and devoted his life to studying the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. In his work, Topver used modern treatment methods, including medical technologies and drugs. His main discovery was the creation of a gastrostomy tube, which made it possible to feed patients who could not eat on their own. In other words, Topver created the gastrostomy tube that we use today when it is necessary to feed patients with digestive problems. In addition, Topver has developed a therapy method for patients with low iron levels. It consisted of taking special nutritional supplements containing iron, which the body needs for proper

Topvera - the first surgeon to use gastrostomy

Topvera created the first medical treatment in history, which became known as *gastrostomy*. This is a technique that involves creating an opening in the stomach and then using it to feed the patient. Using this method, you can extend the life of people