

Tracheobronchomegaly (also known as Mounier-Kuhne syndrome) is a rare disorder characterized by abnormal dilatation of the trachea and main bronchi.

The main cause of tracheobronchomegaly is the congenital weakness of the cartilaginous rings of the trachea and bronchi. Other possible factors include chronic cough, increased intrathoracic pressure and certain genetic syndromes.

Main symptoms:

  1. Chronic cough
  2. Dyspnea
  3. Frequent respiratory infections
  4. Wheezing when breathing

The diagnosis is confirmed using:

  1. Chest X-ray
  2. CT chest
  3. Bronchoscopy

Conservative treatment includes:

  1. Infection Control
  2. Physiotherapy
  3. To give up smoking

Surgical treatment is indicated for severe symptoms and includes various options for tracheoplasty and tracheal stenting.

The prognosis depends on the degree of damage to the respiratory tract. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, most patients have a good prognosis.

Tracheobronomegaly – what is it? Causes of Tracheobronomegaly or Mounier-Kuhn syndrome is a combination of bronchial and tracheal dilations that lead to a decrease in the vital capacity of the lungs. Despite the fact that this is not a separate disease, it is treated comprehensively together with leading specialists.

It is important to note that the development of such pathologies is caused exclusively by internal changes in the human body, namely, they are usually provoked by:

- Congenital anomalies, for example, heart defects; - Allergic reactions; - Damage to lung tissue; - Infectious diseases.

If the disease is detected in early childhood, doctors have every chance of a favorable prognosis. When this disease is diagnosed in adulthood, it becomes a serious risk factor for the development of pneumonia.