Trache- (Trache-), Tpaxeo (Tracheo-)

Trache- (Trache-) and Tpaxeo (Tracheo-) are prefixes that are used to designate the trachea - the tube that connects the larynx and bronchi. The trachea is part of the respiratory system in mammals, including humans.

In medicine, the prefixes Trache- and Tracheo- are used to create terms related to the trachea. For example, the term "tracheostomy" is a procedure in which a hole is made in the trachea to allow air to enter the lungs. The term "tracheitis" refers to inflammation of the trachea, which can cause coughing, difficulty breathing and a sore throat.

Also, the Trache- and Tracheo- prefixes can be used in other fields of science. For example, in biology, the term "tracheids" refers to special cells that form a system for transporting water and minerals in plants. In the technological field, the term "tracheids" may be used to describe the characteristics of materials such as wood.

Thus, the prefixes Trache- and Tracheo- are important in science and medicine, and allow the creation of terms associated with the trachea, an important organ of the respiratory system.


From an anatomical point of view, the trachea (from the Greek word tracheion - windpipe) is a tube that connects the larynx and lungs and serves for breathing in humans, as well as in animals and birds. The trachea is longer than other tube-shaped organs and has a diameter of at least 30 mm. In humans, its length is about 12 cm, but this figure can fluctuate by several mm, both up and down. At the end of the trachea (which in medicine is usually called the tip) is attached a special cartilage that closes the openings of the respiratory organs during the vocal act. The tracheal tissue itself consists of numerous blood plexuses and vessels that serve for its innervation and blood supply. Immediately behind the esophagus is an organ that is also called the “apex” or “Adam’s apple.” It got its name because of its shape and position - a conical convexity at the upper border of the tracheal openings. Tracheal diseases Every person sooner or later encounters all kinds of diseases. Due to the fact that the tracheal openings of the chest cavity are the openings of the tracheal cricoid fissure, they can become inflamed from infections, the influenza virus, or secondarily. There is a type of disease such as tracheobronchitis. A distinctive feature of the disease is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tissue with damage to the throat and pectoral muscles. A more serious pathology of the trachea is cancer or tumor. This type of disease is diagnosed by oncologists, and it rarely develops into an acute form. Mucolytic drugs are often prescribed by doctors to patients if they experience manifestations of tracheitis.

Therapy of tracheal disease The tracheal apparatus can also be injured by strong voice volume, so it is important for doctors to know the main goal of treatment. It is necessary to competently and promptly treat any pathology of the respiratory tract. In this case, any symptoms must be eliminated at the beginning of the development of the disease. Patients are prescribed medications to combat pathogens. In parallel with them, throat lozenges or lozenges are prescribed. It is extremely difficult to treat obstruction or enlargement of the trachea. In this case, doctors work to clear the passage of a foreign object or reduce mucous manifestations. In acute form, the patient will have to follow a gentle regimen. Physiotherapy procedures are often prescribed - ultrasound, electrophoresis, dynamic electrical stimulation. Doctors also use surgical intervention, after which the person recovers.