Tranquilizers Large

Sodium oxybutyrate (sodium oxybutyrate, Glaura) is an artificially synthesized chemical that is available in the form of tablets or syrup. The drug affects the GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors of the cerebral cortex, enhances inhibitory processes and reduces the activity of the overexcitation zone, restores electrophysiological processes in neurons. The tranquilizer interacts with other drugs, so consult a doctor before using their dosage. A tranquilizer has a narcotic effect due to the fact that it can form an addiction. Against this background, hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome develops. When taking the substance, derealization and depersonalization are observed, which is characterized by a change in the perception of one’s own “I” and the surrounding reality. Some patients suffer from what is called