Transplantation Tumors Heterogeneous

Heterogeneous tumor transplantation

Heterogeneous tumor transplantation is an experimental research method that allows one to study the influence of various factors on the growth and development of tumor cells. This method was developed in the 1960s and is used to study the mechanisms of tumor development and find new methods of treating them.

The essence of the method is that tumor cells taken from one organism are transferred to another organism that does not have an immune system. Thus, the transplanted cells will not be attacked by the immune system and will be able to grow and develop in a new organism.

This method is widely used in research and clinical practice to study various aspects of tumor development. It allows us to identify new factors affecting the growth and survival of tumor cells, as well as to develop new methods for treating tumors.

Tumor transplantation is one of the most successful cancer treatment methods. However, despite the fact that the operation has been carried out for more than two decades, many questions still remain. For example, with heterogeneous (mixed) tumor cell transplantation (HCT), when cells are obtained from several donors with different genomes. This technology involves mixing