Transvestism, Cross-Dressing

Transvestism, Cross-Dressing - dressing in clothes of the opposite sex; can be observed in both heterosexuals and homosexuals. Transvestism can also be practiced among transsexuals (see Transsexualism), and in this case it is not accompanied by sexual arousal of people. Sometimes Transvestism occurs among fetishists; in them it is accompanied by sexual arousal and can lead to masturbation or other types of sexual behavior.

Treatment of patients with transvestism is undertaken only when necessary and is based on changing their behavior (for example, using aversion therapy). See also Sexual perversion. - Transvestite.

Transvertism, or travertism, is the phenomenon when a person dresses in clothes and attributes from someone else's gender. This can occur in both men and women. Many questions arise, but the answer is one - people are psychologically sick. They experience discomfort because, in their opinion, they cannot live up to their gender. This is a rather controversial issue, since medical opinions differ. Some argue that this is a psychological failure, and some that it is a genetic failure. The most likely causes may be trauma or experiences of the opposite sex during the mother's pregnancy, and genetic abnormalities. Although there are other reasons. Endocrine disorders may also indicate the cause. If there have been such cases in the family, then there is a possibility of transmission of the disorder.